
Tidbits from Today's Table

Dylan performing bunny surgery.
Hmmmm. . . There were only 2 bunnies here when I went to bed last night.

That scrappy quilt that I've been working on in all my spare minutes is coming along swimmingly! Not caring about whether or not my squares matched up just right (they totally didn't) really helped me to enjoy the process. Now I have to figure out how to finish it. Luckily, I found a great video tutorial on YouTube that'll teach me how to bind the thing!


  1. OOOOOOOHHHHHH! Look at all those cute bunny-people! And the MERMAID is AWESOME! But it's your quilt - that scrumptious, gorgeous quilt - that wows me! I ADORE quilts, & yours is so truly pretty! Sigh! P.S. Hi, Dylan! Nice to see your busy lil' hands! LOL!

  2. у Вас чудесные и необычные игрушки !!!!!
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  3. These all look amazing! I am really really intrigued by that mermaid you are working on.

    And that quilt. Wow!


  4. That's what happens when you don't spay and neuter your bunnies. ;) hee,hee,hee.
    Love how your quilt turned out. It's wonderful!

  5. Lol, the only thing that reproduces around here is dishes and laundry...never craft projects, lucky you! Love the quilt!


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