
Oh no! I've fallen into a Comparison Trap!

I need to re-resolve my resolution. . . I resolve to avoid the dreaded Comparison Trap. I have fallen in many times, comparing myself to bigger and fancier birds. Well, my plumage may not be so bright, but it keeps me warm. My nest may not be grand, but it is soft and cozy and just right for my little flock. I might not sing the most eloquent song, but it's melody is sweet and clear. Today, I promise myself to keep on singing and to delight in the songs of others without being diminished by them. 


  1. Amen to that! I have found myself entangled in that trap as well...your statement of resolution is a perfect solution! Rose

  2. I wish blogs had a LIKE button.

  3. Uma Boa Resposta e boa solução:)
    é o teu ninho e construído do teu modo, à tua maneira o mais importante é te sentires bem contigo mesma...sem comparações.

  4. Today, I promise myself to keep on singing and to delight in the songs of others without being diminished by them.

    Today and EVERY day. :)

  5. Ditto whole heartedly. And anyway sometimes it is the smallest, shy and drab birds who really sing the sweetest.

  6. YEP...it's like a rose comparing itself to a delphinium...

  7. I've come to the same conclusion myself, and struggling with it every day.

  8. That is beautiful! I stumble into that trap myself sometimes, and a quiet moment of positive self re-direction like this works wonders. I'm sure I speak for many folks who read your blog and love your work, your fantastically wonderful, beautiful creations make the forest a much more interesting, whimsical place to dwell in! Sing on, lovely bird!

  9. After reading this, I feel so much better about myself and my own little flock. I spend far too much time comparing myself and my work to everyone and everything else.

    This little birdie is going to do a little bit of singing (even though she sings like a goat).

  10. Anonymous4/04/2012

    It doesn't pay to campare yourself.Gosh your work is so stunningly different, whimsical, wonderful...why would you feel you'd come off second best in any comparison. Do you mind if I copy your photo and put it on an ART Banner I am making.It is going to be filled with sayings like this to lift my spirits when I feel like I need a lift too.

  11. Huh...and here I've found myself comparing myself to you...and lacking...I'm going to have to follow you're advice...

  12. Its a struggle isn't it. lets all keep singing , I love your song just so you know.

  13. Comparison is the thief of joy (I know, profound, I saw it on Pinterest). I love your work, every piece tells a story and is a fully formed character. Amazing folk art, keep doing what you do, it is appreciated more than you know (and I'm sure there are many comparing themselves to your work and finding themselves falling short)

  14. Well said! (ahem..,and I have compared myself to you...) :o)

  15. ...Oh no! Hold on Jo we'll save ya! ;o)

    ...Don'tcha just hate that dang comparison trap? I think any and every creative spirit alive has fallen into it one time or another. Or another. Or another. Or...well, you get my drift.

    ...It does floor me so to hear this coming from you tho'. I mean, there is no comparison when it comes to you and what you do. Seriously. There are no other birds in the forest that sing your song Jo, yours is unique and stands on its own. There is no mistaking your song my friend.

    ...So pick yourself up and dust yourself off and just keep on singing your song, 'kay?

    ...Enjoy your evening!

    ...Blessings :o)

  16. There is no comparison to you--YOU ROCK!! :o)

    Having said that, I know just how you feel. But seeing as how we are each individuals, comparisons just don't make sense, right?? (These words are straight from my own mantra, lol!)

  17. Story of my LIFE, that comparison thing. But, you are SO right to keep singing your own BEAUTIFUL song, Jo! It's AWESOME to admire others' creations, but if you'll stand back and admire YOURS through unbiased eyes, you will see how incredible & WONDERFULLY unique it really IS!

  18. Don't just avoid that sucker- throw a piece of plywood over it and nail that thing down. It's okay to peek every-now- and -then but just a peek. There is alot of wasted time if you fall in------

  19. Funny, Jo... I've been successfully making and selling teddy bears, at very high price points, even winning some international awards for them, for eight years now. But whenever I look at Cart's incredibly cute and well-designed, oh-so-creative little painted gems -- which is every chance I get, by the way -- I think to myself, gee, if only I could be as talented/doll-centered/painterly/popular/accessible as they are!

    I think we all fall into the comparison trap. Thanks for the lovely reminder that none of us are alone, and all of us have something valuable to share.

    And also, please keep doing what you do. It's so cheerful and sweet and whimsical and full of mastery. You make people smile. That's really something!

  20. I think we all fall into that deadly trap:( However, I don't think you need to compare yourself to anyone as your work is truly and wonderfully unique. Don't change for anything or anyone.

  21. i agree with Charlotte its the smallest, shy and drab birds who really sing the sweetest..
    your work is AMAZING and UNIQUE .I love looking at what you create and think why cant i be that talented !!! I love your work !!!


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