
New York City and Fishy Goats

What do a fishy sweet-faced freak and a
mitten-handed blue-horned goat have in common?
They're both hanging out at my house this week!
(Alright, as far as riddles go that one was pretty lame.)
. . .
We've been so crazy busy around here at The Cart that I haven't had much time to play. Things are starting to settle down now (knock on wood, quick!), and we're very much looking forward to business as usual. And usual around here often includes person-faced fishies co-mingling with bipedal barnyard cohorts.
One reason we've been so busy is because we've been preparing six new pieces for our very first gallery show. (Wheee!) It'll be any time now in NYC in Chelsea at KicoKids. We're supposed to be showing with a couple more artists.
You can call 212-675-kico
for more info if you're in New York City and want to stop by. We're kinda sad that we won't get to be there in person, but we're a long way from NYC (both literally and figuratively). Dylan has several cousins there though, so we're hoping one or more of them will snap some pictures for us.
. In the meantime, here are some pictures
for the rest of us.
I wanted to go with a storytime theme.
So I did.
Here is Miss Muffet.
She has abandoned her tuffet for the time being
and is being unwillingly accompanied
by a rather enthusiastic spider.
Here is Goldilocks and her three bears.
I'm sure you know their names.
Then comes Little Red with her wolfy companion.
Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is. Red's not very scared.
Mary and her little lamb come next.


And last but not least, Alice is accompanied by a mischievous cat and a little white rabbit in need of some time management skills. .

And here they are all together.
It's a family portrait of sorts.


Cheers to quirky family portraits!


  1. LOVE the goat!!!

    Congrats on the NYC gallery showing. How exciting for you!

    Chris :-)

  2. How wonderful!! Big congrats on the show! We're only a few hours away, but haven't been into the city in ages...Hmmmmmmmmm.....will definitely have to look into this further - I'd love to see your work in person!

    ~ Carolee

  3. These are so amazing I just can't stand it! I love the quilt. So completely perfect!

  4. How exciting!! I love the new dolls...I'm rawther partial to stories!

  5. Oh, I love that quilt... well, I love the dolls, but I LOVE that quilt! Yeah! on your NYC premiere! You'll just knock 'em dead... or something like that... If you can't be there, just be smiling! ~PJ

  6. Wow! You dolls are super! I especially like Alice.
    Great Art!

  7. Joee!

    Congrats on the Gallery Event! Your creations so deserve every bit of the spotlight! I am partial to Little Miss Muffet and her Spidey!!! WONDERFUL!!!

    Big Hugs,

  8. Oh wow, This is a beautiful group! You are gonna sell out!! Pam

  9. Oh, Joee, they're all soooooooo WONderful. I wanna do some storybook characters, too. Did you see the Little Red Riding Hood Izannah on the Izannah Walker Chronicles?

  10. Thez are all sooo pretty! I am enchanted!

  11. LOVELY!!!! I hope the gallery show is a big success! I love fairytales and traditional stories so your choice of creations for the show are among my favorites. Of course I also love your cheater quilts and those moon and crater heads. Who am I kidding I don't think I've ever seen one of your creations that I didn't like! I'm glad the people of NYC will get to enjoy your creations too!

  12. Congrats on your show! I adore your work but these must be my favorite! I'm such a fairy tale fan! I love that you did Goldilocks, she is often overlooked I think! :)


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