
Tiny Treat Boxes

Jelly bean boxes!
They're quick and easy too!
Just cut out of cardstock. Fold along the dotted lines (I like to press the lines with the dull edge of a butter knife before I fold them), overlapping as you go. Then tuck the last flap under the first. All done! (If you're having trouble with the boxes staying closed, just pinch along the folded edges after they're done.)
Perfect for Eastery goodness!

The Mr. tried to convince me that the kids
are too old for Easter baskets. . . silly, silly man.
You're never too old
to bite the ears off a chocolate rabbit.


  1. Hallo ! Ich wünsche dir und deiner Familie ein wunderschönes Osterfest, viele gute Verstecke und eine gute Nase zum auffinden der Osternester !!!
    Liebe Grüße von Ines

  2. Oh, silly man indeed! One is NEVER too old for Easter goodness! Thanks for the template. I can use these to give out to the neices and nephews!

  3. Adorable boxes. I do wish someone will fill up a few more me, especially with those little fuzzy chicks.

    And, no, you are NEVER too old to bite those ears off.

  4. Anonymous4/01/2010

    i keep promising myself that I am going to make it over to Lincoln City and visit your shop but
    Toledo just seems so far away sometimes.
    Please take a moment and stop by my blog and sign up for my 100th posting free giveaway.

  5. How old is this man of yours?.... my grown up 'adult' (to be debated where my son is concerned) children both have Easter Eggs as does my beloved, and he is 57 going on 5 when there is chocolate about.

    I bet that your 'Mr' will happily eat a 'lttle' piece... to be polite of course he!he! You had better keep a close eye on him, he might eat yours.

    My grandson on the other hand has asked the easter bunny for a drinking giraff.... he is 2 years old and knows what he likes.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I made a typo.. What ~I meant to write was: yes! I am going to make a couple tonight.. Thanks!

  8. Sweet boxes Joee. :)

    I made my college going daughter a Easter basket. She would think I had been taken over by aliens if I didn't. :)


  9. Am making some of these now. I was thinking that if you fused fabric to heavy cardstock and then cut them out you could have some way fun prints.

  10. One more thing (play time!) if you punch a hole a little less than half way up the curved side it make a place to tie string or ribbon through to keep them closed. Oh, the things we can make with this. A fun way to present all kinds of wonders.

  11. Ha! You're never too old to play with dolls, or dig in dirt, or for chocolate. That's why we have to protect Earth - it's the only planet with chocolate.

  12. Sooo adorable! I am going to make these and fill them with real jellybeans, then give them away as Christmas pressies to students in my class. Thanks for sharing! :)


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