
Itty Bitty Teeny Tiny

Remember Fisher Price's Little People toys?
I do! I can practically still taste them.
(Yes, I was one of those kids.)

Well, lately I've been noticing a surge of arty revisitations on that theme in the form of little wooden peg dolls.

Like this tiny family by The Green Market

Or these cuties by Naked Peggies

I wanted to play too!
But I wanted a cloth version on account of that's what we do. I made the tiny template and asked Dylan to work his magic.
Little pilots!

They're about 3 1/2 inches tall (or just under 9cm for you metric types).
I didn't know if he'd be able to sew and stuff such a very small thing, but he took it one step further and managed to sew and stuff super teeny tiny arms for the little folks! I don't know how he does it, especially with those big ole sausage man-hands of his.
He even made teeny tiny wooden bases for their. . .bases.

We've been combining wooden bases with our cloth dolls for awhile now, but lately we've been having fun stretching the combination of media.
These dear deer have itty bitty wooden feet,
and the latest one has little wooden antlers too.

Speaking of deer, we had some unexpected visitors yesterday-

OK, they're not deer, they're elk.
There was a herd of about 30 of them
that camped out in our backyard for most of the day.
A wonderful gift from Mother Nature herself!


  1. LOVE your version of the little people! i wish i still had my little people mcdonalds play set! my mom still has the schoolhouse and the grandkids still play with it! can't wait to see what new little people pop up in your studio, i hope they just cause little mischeif!

  2. WOW!!! How fantastic is that.

    Elk in your back garden, I thought I'd seen it all, amazing. The most I get is a fox or a neighbours cat. We had a rabbit once......you can tell I lead a quiet life.

    Hope your having a lovely Autumn.


  3. I like how fuzzy the Elk necks are XD We have herds of deer in our yard.

    And turkey.

    I love your little guys... did I miss it somewhere in the detail? How big are they?!

    The size of Little People?!?!

    Love em!

  4. Those little people are too darn cute. And those dear deer are too darn dear. Love them!!!!!

    Awesome elk! My teeny backyard couldn't even hold a herd. We are having a crow infestation though. I think I'd prefer elk.

  5. You send those elk down my way. The only nature I see here are nasty crows, mockingbirds, and lizards on my cinderblock wall. I love the Lil people--that's a great idea!

  6. Really sweet, Joee! I made a 5 foot one like this only it was a witch. Cute play on tiny teeny stuff!!!!!!!!!

  7. Okay, I sew and I want to know how he did those arms with his 'sausage man hands'?!! Elk...dinner at your doorstep!

  8. Dang Joee, do you ever get IN THE BOX? Amazing! You make me drool all the time....where's my bib!

    I live in Mississippi and we eat deer instead of beef. Years ago I went to Colorado with a friend to visit her Dad. It was awesome to wake in the morning and walk out on the deck and see enormous elk grazing in the yard. Beautiful!
    Then her Dad cooked us burgers. The best burgers I ever ate. They called them Elkburgers! Sigh.


  9. Incredible. I am lovin everything you do!

  10. I'm old enough to still have a few of the original wood little people...but yours are even more adorable!

  11. Anonymous11/17/2009

    You are so lucky to have someone so handy - I have a husband that is really good at messing things up..lol - I just bought one of those little wooden people - I had it turned into a keychain - it is a little Navy Man...LOVE your version!!! I think you need a princess and the pea one...love fairy tales!

    XOXO Jess

  12. I love them! Oh and I called my Little People "Everybodies" when I played with them. I pronounced it "Ezzibodies" though so that's still what I think when I see them.

  13. I thought about buying the naked pegs a while ago to paint them myself, may still do that at some stage. Most of my cloth dolls are tiny and I use a pair of long nose pliers to help turn them inside out.
    beautiful paint job on the little pilots!
    Wow elk in the backyard that's beautiful.And heather has deer and a turkey!!
    We have lots of possums, pademelons, wallabies, amazing bird life and a pair of very horny blue tongue lizards. Not to mention our 2 cats and big bunny!
    We live near a big walking track under Mount Wellington!

  14. Oh love the pilots,,perfect!!!
    I remember the elk was a problem in the golf course, and I have seen deer in Lincoln city at night...it was wonderful. The elk really do alot of damage to the grass. How kewl,,I had forgotten.

  15. How did you fair this last storm, yesterday???
    I watch the news out of PDX still.

  16. Oh My Zeus! We have all kinds of wildlife too. If ONLY I could get them to behave and magically turn into one of your creations...
    This latest collaboration between yourself and Dylan for the Littles and the Woodland Creatures is incredulicious!
    Hope all is well there and have a great great rest of week.
    Take care.

  17. WOW! There aren't even any kangaroos in my backyard (I just checked). Your work is just getting gorgeouser and gorgeouser.

  18. Oh, Jo! I love your version of Little People! :) I have my own small collection of the orginals (my kids have had a million over the years!) and also the ones that look like eggs? Can't remember what those are called. You two are an amazing team! :) Pam

  19. Ooooooh! My daughter had those and a kazillion (MY imaginary number - LOL!) other Fisher Price toys because they were very sturdy & SHE was very ROUGH for a dainty-LOOKING lil' girl. Also - for Pam (above comment) you are thinking of WEEBLES ("they wobble but they don't fall down!") Jo, what, what, what can I POSSIBLY say? You and your hubby ar a match made in Creativity Heaven! HOW he turned those teeny hands is beyond me. I try to turn hands THREE TIMES that size and have to use up a whole YEAR'S worth of bad words doing it! I am bowing to you, oh man of sausage-fingered hands! And ELK? We have squirrels, birds, and mosquitoes in abundance. I'd prefer elk!

  20. Great pilots!
    I am going to wait for airplanes now..

  21. Adorable....lol...I was one of those kids too....


  22. Love the itty bitty ones. Your creativity never seizes to amaze me. Love the big giant ones visiting your yard, too. What wonder nature provides for inspirations. Maybe itty bitty elk that can fly, wearing aviator goggles.....??? Do you need a pilots license for that???

  23. Great new take on an old idea. I collect sticks and keep them in the cellar to dry, great for legs and other items.


  24. Awww! You are younger than I am. We had wooden toys ;-) I love your deer and your peg dolls. Super cute!

  25. Hopefully you dont grow tired of hearing this, but your art is so truly wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. what a great inspiration! I just knew those could be designed better, you did it. -Jayne

  27. These are just adorable!!

    Love the elk too - how wonderful to see them up-close!

    ~ Carolee

  28. Yep, I know all about those wee little people. Simple and fun and then you turn around and make all our heads spin twice as your itsy bitsy wee friends. Good night and happy little people dreams.

  29. Oh how I love the pilots and the "Little People"!!! The deer are amazing! YOu two are amazing.
    Happy Thanksgiving!


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