
Mailboxy Goodness

Speaking of circles. . .
Lookie what I got in the mail today--
It's a super arty postcard from my very favorite Dutch artist, Kitty Kilian. Love her stuff. It's clever and gorgeous with just the right amount of smartass. Plus it's so cool and exotic with its other-language-ness. Thanks Kitty!

Don't ya just love getting stuff in the mail? I mean actual  mailbox mail, not inbox e-mail. Don't get me wrong, I love the immediacy and efficiency of e-mail, but it's always so nice to hold something in your hand that someone else held in their hand. Lovely to see the personality of penmanship. Lovely to imagine its travels over mountains and oceans. I myself have never traveled over an ocean, so this is the next best thing.

Hmmm. . .I think I gotta make some postcards!


  1. I DO love mail. Suspect the mailman is feeling sort of stalked lately though...

  2. I am with you- real mail is so much fun. It can make your day.

  3. I agree! I love being surprised with a letter or package! It can turn my whole day around and make me feel like a happy little kid!

  4. So, how does it go?... "Brown paper packages, tied up with strings, these are a few of my favorite things!" :-) Lovely!

  5. First, that is such a cool postcard! And, to me, mail (not the bill or junk variety, of course - ACTUAL mail) is LOVE in a mailbox! I still like to write and mail letters now & then because I figure if it makes ME feel so happy to get one, it must make others feel that way, too! Hmmm ... maybe I'll put a bit of letter-writing on my agenda for today!

  6. Hey, there's a surprise! I am just browsing through the list of the 15 or so blogs I follow and here you are posting my card! How nice of you!And how weird to meet it again that way. It is not supposed to do anything for you though ;-) which is how that line translates.

  7. I do so love getting real mail in the mailbox (things other than junk and bills). I've recently joined the Pen Pal Project over at Indie Fixx and already have two new pen pals. It is so wonderful to get handwritten letters in the mail. :)

  8. The thing I love most in the mail is $$$$$


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