
Location Revealed

Go here to see some fabulous holiday art, and a certain Guest Artist.
Here you'll find these three one-of-a-kinds by us Cart dwellers-
A pouty-lipped punkinhead,
 a sweet-faced anthropomorphic tree. . .
. . .and a long-eared bunny rabbit
that just might prefer Halloween to Easter.

Speaking of Halloween. . .
 . . .we're officially doing the Halloween and Vine show in September.
California, here we come!


  1. I am a bit envious! I live in CA, yet still haven't been able to get to that show! Maybe THIS Sept will be THE Sept!

  2. Your new creations are WONDERFUL! That pumpkinhead girl is sooo my fave! Boy, do I EVER wish I had tons of $$! I'd go to California & see the Halloween & Vine show AND buy ALLLLLL your amazing things!

  3. Ooh ooh!! Wish i could see u at the Halloween/Vine show! What fun it will be! Great bunnies BTW :)

  4. Your pieces are fabulous....so fun seeing you on STJ this month! Can't wait to meet you guys at Halloween and Vine.....so exciting!

  5. Love love love Halloween. If I ruled the world, it would be halloween every day of the year! :)


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