
Valentine's Day

It's almost time to draw a name outta the hat! It's not to late to play. I'll draw a name tomorrow evening.
All done!
I know that February 14th can outright suck for those without a Valentine of their own. But the day was named after a guy who was beaten with clubs and stoned; when that didn't finish him, he was beheaded outside the Flaminian Gate.
So ya know, it could be worse.


  1. You are so right. That is WAY worse than spending the day alone. :) Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. LOL! That story made me feel so much better! At least my odds of beheading are fairly slim!

  3. Happy Valentine's sweetie...
    I entered your drawing and I have to tell you every time I see this little heart face I just melt. You truly are a beautiful artist. I love the nose and the detailed lips. Crossing my fingers and toes, and arms and legs. Ha! Ha! Ha! Oh sweetie any one of us, on that long list of names will be so lucky. Thank you for the opportunity sweetie.

    Country hugs and much love...Sherry

  4. Happy VD. Now that downright sounds sick!
    My V will be working, sooo...
    me thinks I will too:)
    LuvUr work! xoxo lolo

  5. I didn't know that! And for some reason it made me chuckle... hummmm....what's that say about my mood???? happy V.D.

  6. Such good information to keep tucked away on those days that you feel unloved!! LOL!! There is always somebody who has had it worse than you!

    Great stuff Jo!


  7. Darn Claudius II anyway!!!
    Have a wonderful Valentine's Day Joee!

  8. Eeeeeeew! LOL! Happy Valentine's Day, lil' Jo! Hugs to you & Dylan!

  9. hahaha, I had totally forgotten about the 'real' Valentine and his
    gruesome fate.

    Keeping my fingers crossed on the giveaway!


  10. poor St Valentine! he had it pretty bad for such a fun holiday now!
    Fingers crossed for tomorrow, which probably means that I have jinxed it for myself....:(

  11. For one, I love being alone. I love me, I'm my own valentine! happy valentine me!!! ...and all of you funky people! ...and to the funkiest couple on blogland!!!

  12. As if LOVE was not complicated enough..... Happy Valentines Day!!! Love the one you're with.

  13. Joee , Please include me in on your give away, what a precious little face on her!!!!! It is sad for those that are alone on VD! : C
    Hugs to you and yours!!

  14. Youch, really??? Happy Valentines to you Joee!!!

    Hugs, Mica


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