
The Winner is. . .

(Drumroll please)
Sorry for those who didn't win.
It's random folks, blame Fate.
. . .
Dylan did good this fine girly day! He made me the sweetest card. Seriously, I love it more than any card ever. But I'm not allowed to show it to you all because he won't let me. So you'll just have to take my word for it. And there was chocolate. And the bestest little present! (I feel so spoiled.)
Remember that printer's tray that I turned into a shelf for tiny little things? Well, he got me the latest treasure to grace it's tiny shelves. Lookie!
Closer. . .
Closer still. . .
Aren't they the sweetest little things!
They're Marx figures from the 50s. So cool!
 I'm am a lucky lucky girl.

Happy Valentine's Day
If you don't have a Valentine, be your own date.


  1. OMG! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!! I always look at your Etsy to see what you have for sale, thinking that when I have some extra cash, I would but something (like one of your birds!)

    You absolutely made my day!

    (and I love what you got for Valentine's Day. What a sweet and thoughtful gift!)

  2. What a darling display for your LRRH's, I use my tray for old Tootsie toys, Love your Idea!!!!
    Congrats Sandee!!!!! One lucky Valentine there!!!!!!!

  3. Congratulations to Sandee! I know you will love the darling heart face! And all of US can still see & enjoy it on your blog so we are happy, too! As for Dylan - WOW! Does he happen to have a brother just like him who likes older, round ladies? LOL! What a sweetheart! And those teeny Marx figures couldn't BE more perfect for you! Dylan, you soooo rock! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY TO BOTH OF YOU!

  4. Sandee! You lucky girl!! Congrats!

  5. Congratulations to Sandi!

    What a thoughtful gift, perfect for your little box.
    I love to hit the antique consignments, they always have little treasures. I look for cats of course, but always see things my friends would like to, so fun to find things to put in my gift box.


  6. Sandee is the Lucky Duck of the day! Although you're pretty lucky too, Jo, to get such wonderful tiny treasures...Thanks for sharing!

  7. Sandee you lucky duck! HAppy Valentines Day to you all :)

  8. Yay for Sandy!!
    Love the little tray of 'what nots'! What a sweet Valentine you have!

  9. Congratulations Sandee! Jo, that printer's tray is awesome and those little treasures are so you. Sounds like you have a keeper:) Hugs~Carol

  10. Congrats Sandee!! You are a lucky girl!

    Jo, love all those minatures!

    Dylan did well. That is fine training you have done with him all these years!


  11. That is soooooo cool! Good job, Dylan. I love the wolf's demeanor.


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