
On the Table

Here's a quick peek at today's worktable.
Work, work, work.
Play, play, play!


  1. It always amazes me how all those various and sundry small pieces laid out all over your table become entire magical arrays of creative fun! I STILL want to be YOU when I grow up! (P.S. Did I say GROW UP? This morning before doing errands, I stopped for a capuccino & two other coffee drinkers - I suppose assuming I didn't speak Spanish - said as I walked past, "She's an OLD lady but she still has pretty hair." This old lady turned, smiled at them, and said, in Spanish, "Thank you! I AM old! I LOVE being old! And my hair is a mess today, so tho' you are NOT old, YOU guys have OLD EYESIGHT!" Bwahahahahaha! I hope I NEVER grow up!)

  2. Very cool! It's like the art doll surgeon's table:)

  3. Wow- everything is so nice and tidy!! I envy you!!! I try sooooooo hard to have my work, I mean play area clean - but alas, it ends up looking like a bomb went off!!! I see a few cats in there, more Chesires on the way??!!!

  4. Yes, your workspace is soooo neat! and it nicely arranged too...lol! Your work is special! Oh, excuse me, I really meant to say "play". I love the cats already and I am looking forward to seeing how the tall objects -dolls to me- turn out; wonder if they are as I imagine them to be! Chesire cats are my favorites!

  5. In my next life, I am going to be neat and tidy like you. :) These look fabulous - do I see a Cheshire cat? xo Pam

  6. It looks to be another wonderful array of characters ready to be born.


  7. Cool! Love seeing these WIPs and how they evolve! Play away!


  8. I'm still amazed at those small pieces you and yours manage to sew!

  9. I see those cats and think March 5...Alice in Wonderland!!!! So looking forward to Tim Burton's new take on the book!


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