
WIP's and Marketing

Here's a little peek at what it is I'm up to today:
Skellies abound!
And I'm working on another trio of masked cuties.
They'll be joining this week's batch.
This one eats more than you'd think- And this one knows I don't allow smoking, but he thinks the pipe makes him look tough.
This little witch is a whiz in the kitchen. She did this thing with eye-of-newt and a little garlic that was delicious.
Remember how I lost a dozen or so mask designs a little while ago? Well, I did a thorough cleaning of the studio since then, and they were nowhere to be found. Grrrr! After stomping my feet and sticking out my bottom lip for a couple of hours I set to work on new designs. I like them better than the last ones (which is just as well, considering).
Heidi and Kitty want to know more "about marketing: do you also sell on other places apart from eBay? Art Fairs, galleries, what have you?"
What can I say about marketing? I know that we don't do enough of it, that's for sure. If we were smarter (or if there were more hours in the day) we'd be submitting stuff to magazines. That's a wonderful marketing opportunity! We got a lot of positive attention after being featured in the couple of magazines we've been in.
What I do do is to keep this here blog updated reasonably often, and I'm on Facebook too. Also, we have a simple website. We haven't done art shows or many gallery shows. We are lucky enough to sell stuff as quickly as we can make it, so we never have extra inventory for things like that. And while it's fun seeing our stuff in a gallery, I'd rather it be in someone's home. So we sell our goods fresh off The Cart on eBay, and now on Etsy.
I find that thinking too much about things like marketability takes away from my creativity, so I don't think on it much at all. I think that business stuff lives in a different part of the brain.


  1. Wow Jo..these are wonderful..I really love them.


  2. You losing the drawings reminds me of my accidental spilling of a diet coke on my logo design several weeks ago...I liked the second one better too. Funny how things work out.

    Can't wait to see your new pieces. I'm loving your pipe toting pumpkin doll this week!!!

  3. It does, doesn't it. (Agreeing with your last sentence).


  4. I agree with you! If you think of business, You will start think whether I sell my goods whether people will like the details...

  5. Love the WIP's - can't wait to see them completed!

    I agree about the marketing - wish I had more time for it myself, but it's difficult when you're busy creating! I think we need some marketing elves, hehe....

    ~ Carolee

  6. The Hallowe'en 'people' are fantastic! I agree with you on the marketing - I am firmly convinced that every artist needs a manager. Let them do the marketing. LOL

  7. It's hard to balance the right and left sides of the artist's brain. The right side is just a bully sometimes and will not allow the left side to do its thing.. the nuts and bolts, pennies & nickles, etc. I personally am happier when the right side wins!
    Love your new stuff Jo!
    P.s... gotta look u up on Facebook!

  8. Hey I just looked at your EBAY Auction-O.M.G. AMAZING!!!
    Robert~Halloween Fanatic

  9. just saw your circus on ebay!!! Wonderful!! how much fun!!!!


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