
Before and After

I only got one thing done in time for Sunday night's shenanigans,
but she's a big one!
This pile of wood and skellies that graced Thursday's work table. . .
. . .turned into this-



I had to face my clown fears in the making of this. Researching through countless old postcards and circus posters for that just-right inspiration had me twitching, but I embraced my fears for the sake of art ☺ Ya know, I actually find clowns LESS scary with skull heads. It's those big red noses and painted faces that get me. *shudder* You can see more of it HERE.

What silliness are you afraid of?


  1. I love your work so creative! this piece is very cool! Susan

    I invite you visit my blog for a chance to win a Free Artistry of Poland hand blown glass ornament featuring a Victorian Santa Claus that is from my original design! To enter just go to my blog : seasonalwhimsies.blogspot.com

  2. Okay Joee, there are very few pieces that I would consider selling my children for. This is one of them. Unbelievably D-I-V-I-N-E!!!

    Crying for lack of bid money :{

  3. Wow! Frightening. And yet, happily frightening.

    I'm not a clown fan myself. However, I can tolerate them. Now, if a clown came up to me and said he had a firecracker and a match, I would break into a cold sweat and run.

  4. Fabulous!!! I could sit and look at this piece for hours!

  5. This is cleverness itself. I am enchanted by it all, from the way the clowns fit inside the tent to the skulls skulking around the top of the tent and then up to the Big Top (Ringmistresses' Top Hat.) But what I love most is that the tent is her skirt! (Guess which part of The Nutcracker Ballet is my favorite?) You've really outdone yourself on this one!

  6. I also have an anaphylactic reaction to clowns. Somehow when they have skull heads you feel like you know right where you stand...

  7. My silliness I'm afraid of are cops p[ulling me over! lol and I'm a good driver. : )

  8. WOW!!!! Now THESE 'clowns' I LOVE! And whether or not you did it intentionally, the base of the piece carries over the skeleton teeth look and it's AWESOME! I want to BE you with your amazing, non-stop creativity & talent! As for fears - anything even SLIGHTLY resembling a ... shudder ... lizard, salamander, gheko, etc. OMG! The very WORDS make me weak.

  9. This is amazing, wonderful work. Glad I found your blog!

  10. You sure have been busy and I sure am loving it as always. Love the skullfaces. Yes, I find clowns aggravating and a tad unsettling. Fie on them, I say! FIE!

    Take care.
    Candace in Athens.

  11. Love this piece! Your Clown Skullies are out of this world......I just love circus themes anyhow ...and this is wonderful & very original ! You guys ROCK!

  12. OMG Jo! You and Dylan make the mostest awesomest pieces! I don't know which of the new ones I love most...the skeleton clowns are so cool! thank you so much for sharing all your "stuff" with us! I get so inspired when I visit your blog! Hugs!

  13. Oh my word. You ASTOUND me! I am standing and applauding wildly. BRAVO!!

  14. Anonymous8/22/2009

    This truly makes me very happy. It's as good as the Circus Doll Cage thingy. It's wondeful, Jo!

  15. Jo, I don't even have words to describe how awesome this piece is. Really, I've typed & deleted, typed & deleted. All I can say is Bravo, you clever, talented girl!


  16. Absolutely amazing, adorable, creepy, beautiful...not enough words to describe how much I love your pieces!
    My silly fear is toads. Thank God I have boys to rescue me from them, b/c I can't even go IN the garden if I know one is waiting for me :)

  17. I so love this art piece.

  18. I am seriously afraid of the devil...growing up Catholic he was more present than the good guy.
    I love your art and the way the devil rides a clip-pity clappity horse and spells blaspheme..he screams to me and I can find joy in the old bugger who I have leared to call Conrad in my old age.


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