
Strawberry Tuesday

There must be the slightest scent of strawberries on the breeze,
because I've got strawberries on the brain.
Strawberry season is short-lived here in Oregon. Hood strawberries (arguably the BEST of the best) are only in season for about 2 weeks. If you've never had them, you don't know what you're missing and are therefore happier than me who only had them once 3 years ago and is haunted by their sweet memory. I'm still hoping to be able to get my hands on some here in the next couple of daze. Hey, there are worse vices.
In the meantime, I've comforted myself with less perishable strawberry representatives. Is it wrong that I want to bite this one's head off?

I did enjoy painting all those dotty little seeds. There's something soothing about so much repetition. I even painted her a strawberry-covered apron. More dots. (whee!)

Here's a strawberry-clad Widget, further evidencing my obsessive nature. Don't know what a Widget is? Well, I'm not exactly sure either, but this is a strawberry-loving one. I didn't paint all those seeds on this one. I stitched them. Still fun.

Edible or not, these be-berried babes make me giggle, and that's good too.


  1. Oh, yes....strawberry season is over here in North carolina. That doll head is very tempting! What a wonderful job you did on her. how fun and funky!

  2. Mmmmmmmmmm - Oregon strawberries. I spent many a summer in the sixties getting on a bus at 5:30AM to go out to the fields and pick them, haha...If we worked VERY hard, and didn't eat too many, we could make $2 or $3 a day....Needless to say, these were the days before child labor laws, lol....

    LOVE the new work!

    ~ Carolee

  3. How about marion berries? I had marion berry pie when I lived in Oregon and it seriously is one of the best pies I have ever had. I love your strawberry people. Now that I'm done with my last project I can finish up that strawberry illustration that you guys inspired me to make (the whole strawberry moon post got me thinking about strawberries) Have a great week, and I hope to send off your package next week, I'm a little slow when it comes to mail sometimes:)

  4. That strawberry head is just fantastic, You really are super talented, I love your work.

    Micki x

  5. Hood strawberries? Now what am I missing? Really coming over all cranky pants over in cold old Melbourne now. Think your obsessive tendencies are far and away for the greater good.

  6. It's probably best that I don't know these strawberries you speak of...right?

    Beautiful strawberry gang, just beautiful!!

  7. She is yummy your work is always so amazing!

  8. Strawberries ....mmmmmm, mmmmm - Summer's queen of fruits. I have never had hooded strawberries, but now I'm going to go crazy trying to find some!

    Both your strawberry creations are fabulous! I particularly love the little widget!

  9. You are soooooo talented. I have such a wonderful time looking at your artwork and reading your blog. Just gorgeous! :)

  10. OH!!!! I love all your strawberry art, love it.


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