
Charming Freaks of Nature

Dylan is threatening to post pictures of my studio if I don't clean it up. He is further threatening to compare those pictures with our super clean pics from Studio magazine. Don't do it, Dylan! Guess I'd better get to cleaning.
Speaking of Dylan, check out the mermaid twins he designed-

He even designed a little seahorsey friend for them.

I usually do all the designing around here, so I love it when Dylan gets on a kick. Like mine, not all of his designs are winners. Those end up in the reject pile. You can't succeed if you're afraid of failing though, and mistakes are wonderful teachers.

Even the youngest member of The Cart got in on the design action this past week. Here's a drawing that my sweet little guy did-

Dylan turned it into cloth and added fork feet. Then I smooshed on a mane and painted it up.
We're a very silly family.
You can see more these sweet
freaks of nature HERE and HERE.


  1. You have such a talented family! The mertwins are
    very cool and the horsebird is amazing! How clever to use forks for the feet!

  2. Yall are so talented...As always many many wonderful things come out of your studio..messy or not..LOL

    Sonia ;)

  3. They are fantastic. Maybe you can pass on the designing to your son :)
    Talent runs in the family!

  4. I love them! Strange is always fun...reminds me that I haven't made any 2 headed rats in too long!

  5. I love your unique creations and with all of you working together you come up with some beautiful pieces.


  6. AMAZING!!! What a talented family ya'll are. Such fun art to look at. Keep up the great work! When are you putting your patterns back on etsy or ebay? :+} I want another. Lana

  7. Looks like your youngest hasn't a hope if he was planning to be an accountant or something. Oozing Cart talent or what?

  8. I know I am a bit old...but are you looking to adopt? LOL! You guys got some crazy talent going on! Super Fantastic!

  9. They both make me so happy. Go big guy, go little guy.

  10. An inventive child who can draw ! Perfect !!

  11. These are fantastic! I am VERY impressed with both versions of the, uh, horstrich? Donkeybird?

  12. Sweet merbabies. They remind me of a doll toy I had many moons ago called SweeWees. SeeWeet.

  13. Very cool mer-people....btw my favourite colours are chartruese and orange and purple.....but that could change tomorrow!

    Love, Violette

  14. I am amazing by how talented your entire family is!


  15. How fabulous are the mer-twins, fabulous.


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