
4 x 4

OK, here's the game-
In your picture files, go to the 4th album, then go to the 4th picture. Show & tell. Then go down 4 more albums, go to the 4th picture, and show & tell. Do this 4 times (if you can) to get a total of 4 pictures.
Ready, get set, go!
Here's a raspberry that I was using for reference.
This one is a Skatebird made by our friend Matt. It's very cool.
I have no idea where this one came from or how it found its way into my picture files. I'll blame a kid.
And finally, a wolf we did back in January.
Now it's YOUR turn!


  1. Taking a break from the painting, so I'll totally play along.

  2. I'm intrigued . "Here is a raspberry I was using for reference " . For what ? But that apart , it looks fun !

  3. Sounds like fun! Goodness knows what that will dig out of this computer....LOL

  4. I did it! That was really fun.

    I almost ended up with a pic from Star Wars....LOL, but I recounted and it wasn't that pic. Thank goodness.

    Thanks Jo... gonna go check out the other participants files!



Thanks for stopping by!