
Speaking of anthropomorphism. . .

anthropomorphism [an-thruh-puh-mawr'-fiz-uhm] n.
1. The ascription of human characteristics to things not human.
(A sixteen-letter word!)
Here are this week's examples-

A grinning goat,
(Despite his human-like characteristics, he still enjoys a good tin can upon occasion.)
. . .

A friendly fungus,
. . .
a sweet slice of watermelony goodness,
. . .
and a lovey dovey celestial pair.
. . .
It's Tuesday morning and I still haven't begun my work on next week's offerings. I took yesterday off and indulged my zen side but cutting out, folding, and ironing a gazillion (ok, maybe more like 60) little hexagons on account of I was inspired by Heidi at My Paper Crane. It's a great way to use up scraps and maybe I'll even have some sort of quilt to show for it one of these days. I'm off today to raid my quilter friend's stash (wheee!) for more reds and greens. I want to make poppies on a green background eventually, but for now I'm delighting in all the pretty patterns and neatly-pressed stacks of hexagons.


  1. You really have me thinking and I came up with an idea for something that is me and indicative to where I live. We shall see if I can make what I envision in my head;)


  2. Anonymous4/21/2009

    Just stopping by to say hello. Your blog is always a treat for the eyes. Hope all is well on your end of the country.

  3. That is without question the BEST goat I've ever seen. Fantastic!

  4. Now there's a very magikal mushroom! Wow love the watermelon girl too!

  5. Anonymous4/21/2009

    I think the mushroom is calling for me...
    They are all fantastic!

  6. I have always secretly suspected that voluntary ironing does something for zen.

  7. how will you attach the hexagons? I have done a whole quilt using the "English" method, basting the cloth over card stock templates. Then you sew them together by hand, and when one is "surrounded," you pop out the template and use it again!

  8. Hi Oregon girl...where on the coast do you live...We Oregon doll girls got together last Sat. See my blog...
    wonderful to see your lovely dolls!!!

  9. Wow Jo! Love all your new characters. Every one has a unique delight built in. Must be the love you put into them.

    Oh.. I wanted to tell you. I decided to try looking for 'found faces' and I did find a couple so far. If you have time, come check out my blog.


  10. Thanks for stoppin by, Jo.. I am lovin your lil mushroom-y characters!



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