
Splashes of Red

I'm seeing red!

No, I'm not angry, just elbow deep in itty bitty red hexagons.
Thanks again (I think) to Paper Crane Heidi
for infecting. . .I mean inspiring me.

Eventually I'll have a whole bunch of flowers like these and will stitch them to green squares and make a girlie quilt.
I raided my friend's fabric stash a couple of days ago and added 50 more red hexies. I still need 40 more and I'm looking forward to our eventual trip to a real quilt shop.  I'm using a traditional English paper piecing method (kinda) which requires lots and lots of hand stitching. I'm making little ziploc baggies full of the parts of each flower so I can take them along with me to my little guy's baseball and soccer games and keep my hands entertained.
If idle hands are the devil's playground,
he'd be pretty bored around The Cart.


  1. Anonymous4/23/2009

    Hello Jo! Cute post! I love red! It is just so cheerful! I wanted to thank you for your part in the Easter Parade basket give-away, I was one of the winners and I received it today~I love it! Please stop by my new blog if you have a chance~Sweet William Primitives! Thanks againE! Spring blessings! Kathy

  2. I am heartily impressed. It’s going to be beautiful. I can only assume there are a zillion baseball/soccer games on the agenda with your kazillion hexagons!

  3. Jo,
    Oh man, I made a small baby quilt out of those and it IS addictive.
    I love, LOVE your work and enjoyed the piece in Studios mag about you.

  4. Jo...
    Girl is there anything you can not do. That is going to be so cool.

    Sonia ;)

  5. Anonymous4/24/2009

    I can't wait to see this quilt progress. I love the red.

  6. Jo I loved reading about your quilt project in red. Very fun I'm sure your hands are more than busy. I love the color red and can wait to see your finished product.
    Maureen from Urban Pastures Art:)

  7. Fantabulous! I cannot wait to see this progress to its finished state. This is inspiring me to start one... if I go for it now, I might have one ready by winter. lol

    The reds are wonderful.

  8. I cannot wait to see the finished product. I've always thought I was too impatient to try quilting, but you make it seem do-able!


  9. WOW! That project is a serious commitment! I used to quilt myself, but never had the courage to take on something like this!

  10. I believe that last comment Jo, I don't think you two know how to have idle hands! You have to promise to show us the result of all of your labor when it is completed. It will be gorgeous, no doubt!

  11. hey JO! your stuff is FABULOUS!!! my name is erica~ so nice to meet you! :)
    i heard something fabulous today~ AND JUST HAD TO SHARE:
    ~there are no shortcuts to any place worth going!"
    smart, eh? Hope you are well!

  12. Jo....carry you red tush over to my blog for a award....

    Sonia ;)


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