
Anthropomorphic Househeads

I just finished the latest in our anthropomorphic househead series. We called her Home Sweet Home on account of she's so darn sweet.
. . .
I didn't realize I was working on a series until I made Number 3.
(We're called Cart Before the Horse for a reason.)
I just like making these person-faced houses.
You might remeber Number 2, Treehouse.
You can click on it to see in-progress pictures.
. . . And this was the very first househead, Dream House. Someone suggested I should have called it Head of the House, but I wasn't that clever. You can click on it to see more of it and the basic house template I used.

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I find that I revisit the same ideas over and over. Ideas are like friends, kinda, 'cept they don't borrow your stuff. I start to miss certain ideas if I haven't made time for them for too long, don't you?


  1. Anonymous4/20/2009

    You do just such the coolest things!!!!

  2. Fantabulous! Yes, I do exactly miss some things if I don't do them at fairly regular intervals and then I can't get enough. LOL.

    These are just wonderful. I love all of them.
    Have a great week, Jo.
    Candace in Athens

  3. Hey Jo... I don't know if this is where I should tell you something I found or not... Ok.. can I get any more confusing???
    I ran across an 'artist' who is blatantly copying your work. I was appalled when I saw them. I hope that it doesn't upset you or hurt you... in fact I'm hoping that you already know about them.
    Here's a link to their stuff if you're interested. How sad...


    What is it that 'they' say??? Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery????


  4. Your work is amazing and fun to see!

  5. Your work is wonderful and I am blow away! I love these!

  6. Anonymous4/21/2009

    I love her expression and the green. What a sweetie.

  7. Love the home sweet home girl! She is ADORABLE!

  8. Joee,I LOVE these!Especially the Tree House!Very unique,indeed!

  9. OH how I love your creations! Love the house-head pieces but REALLY love the watermelon-head girlly.
    FAbulous work!

  10. These are the coolest Art Dolls I have seen in a long time. What a creative mind you have and such beautiful talent. Keep it coming!


Thanks for stopping by!