
Fork-footed Feats

I managed to get a few more pieces totally done, but I'm saving some for next week on account of I'm spending a big chunk of this week elbow deep in creativity (vs. productivity). These fork-footed birds couldn't wait though, so here they are.
I was thinking flowery thoughts when decorating this beast, but somehow he came out kinda robot-like. Well, he thinks he's some sort of super bionic chicken now and keeps attempted to lift things that are way beyond his abilities. Plus, he keeps crowing into the fan, trying to make his voice robotic sounding. Amusing the first time, not so much after the twelfth.
Dylan is so clever with his fork-foot-building feats of engineering. And, as far as dolly-making goes, it's a manly endeavor. He gets to use his power tools and everything.
The rest will have to wait til later. We're off to the print shop to get these patterns made. It's quite a trek so we'll probably have to go out to lunch too (yay!). There's a lot I love about living in a small town, but driving 120 miles round-trip to the nearest print shop isn't one of them. It's a beautiful drive though, and the sun is shining!
Hope all your commutes
bring you beautiful scenery
and a sunshiney day.


  1. I love these footed birds, great idea using forks too.

  2. Jo, I love the rooster- of course! I was just uploading some pics of mine to blog with today :o) Thanks for responding to my question about stitching...unfortunately, I don't have supersonic machine stitching abilities like Dylan, so I'm doing it by hand!

  3. I collect chickens, and I have to say that this is one of the most AMAZING chickens I've ever seen!

  4. I discovered you in Cloth Paper Scissors (Jan/Feb '09) - I just love looking at your work. It's so whimsical and pretty!

  5. Yet more fabulous creations! SO cool! I sure wish i wasn't on a spending freeze, so i could scoop up some of your work. Eeeks, more incentive to get the debts paid off :).

  6. I love seeing what new creations you come up with.
    I used to do painted dolls, years ago, but nothing as creative as yours.


  7. Those are so great! I love it when artists use everyday items as a part of their art.

  8. I just love visiting your blog and seeing what you're up to...your work never fails to bring a smile!

    Love the quilts too! You two are sooooooooooooo productive - How do you DO it all?!

    ~ Carolee

  9. Absolutely wonderful! I love your style!

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Hope you don't mind if I add you to my blogroll.


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