
Cats and Birds and Moon-faced Children

I managed to finish 3 cheater quilts this week, and make patterns for them which are waiting to go to the printer's (hopefully tomorrow) and be put in their little bags. I got 8 more beasties 90% done, but I ran out of steam and declared Saturday a Pajama/Blankey/Couch/Snuggle Day. The most ambitious thing I did was to play a board game with my son. (He beat me by ONE point, by the way, even though I was totally whomping him til his very last move.) So the last 10% of doneness will just have to wait til tomorrow. In the meantime, two of the three quilts are up for auction, but the bird one is waiting til next week.
This one is called Cats in the Garden.
It was so fun to paint!
I wanted to make 15 different versions.
Now where did I put that cloning machine?
I repainted this next one several times til I was happy with the colors. I really like how it turned out though. What can I say, I just love those anthropomorphic celestial bodies. This last one, called Birds and B's,
is probably my favorite, just cuz I like moving
the little button-jointed wings around.
Also, it indulged my love of fonts. It did put a serious dent in my green button collection though. I think I used about 70! No more button trees in my near future. Unless maybe they're apple trees, I've got lots of red buttons. . .hmmm. . . I couldn't resist giving them flappy little wings. A bird's not much of a bird without moveable wings afterall. The rest of the softies will be done by Tuesday (God willin' and the creek don't rise), so I'll see you then.


  1. The buttons on the trees are my favorite! I love the birds also.

  2. So beautiful...I love the creativity...How is it done, paint, pieces of material...so amzing..Love them all


    Sonia ;)

  3. I don't know which one i like best!! I would say the cats since I AM the crazy cat lady, but i sure do adore the birds and the b's. The button details are just perfect.
    You are so prolific! I am glad to know you took a snuggly day off.

  4. I love what you are doing with the quilts....I see a huge future for you....HUGE. I have always admired your work and I KNOW how hard you work. I will have to send this link to my sister-she is the quiter in our family....Maybe she will make me one for my Birthday!!! I wish you all the best......Mollie

  5. These are amazing! I cannot believe how much quality work you can turn out so quickly!!!

  6. They are gorgeous I love the ones with the moons and stars heads!!

    Micki x

  7. I love them ALL! It would be too hard to pick a favorite! I do want to play with the wings though :o) I'm still working (VERY slowly) on the Valentine one and wanted to ask you...when you are stitching the details...do you stitch ALL of the lines? Or just the biggest details..or the characters...I'm still off and on working on the stitching, but it takes forever! I can't imagine how you can make these so fast! Thanks for sharing again!

  8. Just wanted to stop in to say hi...and tell you how my chest pumped up with pride and joy for you when I saw your published works! You are such a talented team, and I love to see you grow and grow and grow and grow and grow. You are amazing! Love ya! Zinnia

  9. You guys continue to delight and amaze me with your imaginative and creative goodness!
    Looking forward to the Birds and B's pattern so I can selfishly make one for myself....with RED buttons! ;)

  10. I've been sick and missed out on a whole CBTH week. I love love love love love x 1000 the birds and button trees quiltlet.


  11. This is so sweet - I'm a button addict and a folk art addict and really appreciate your talent and dedication.

  12. ohhhhhh..... i want one....no.... two...well, maybe...ohhhhh, i just want all of 'em... whine...


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