
Sneaky Peeky

Remember this dreamy house-headed fellow from a few weeks back?
Well, this week I've been having so much fun making his brother that I couldn't wait til Sunday to share.
I love seeing people's works-in-progress, so I thought I'd share mine too. This variation on my simple house is done all in paper mache. On Day 1, I built the armature and did the first layer of paper mache. The next 2 or 3 layers of gluey paper, and making those cute little leaves, took up Day 2.
Here is Treehouse in it's naked state, on the beginning of Day 3.


On Day 3, I added the paperclay features, and started the base painting while that dried.
Day 4, after the paperclay dried thoroughly, I finished the base painting. Often times at this point I get a case of insecurity, afraid I'll screw up something I really like so far by finishing it badly.
But that fraidy-cat voice in my head is lame,
and I try not to listen to it.



Don't let the fraidy cat

get the better of you.


  1. Absolutely awesome!!
    Thanks for showing the step by step process I love seeing those.

    Micki x

  2. Amazing, I absolutely love it! Seeing the steps of how it was made was fun too.


  3. It is too cool to see this in process. Your creativity is always astounding and your skill with paper mache and paperclay is amazing.

  4. I love progression pics too. He's awesome!

  5. Thanks for the mini-lesson. it is so cool to see how the pieces evolve!!
    Waiting for next week's reveal!!

  6. Wonderful!! I really, really liked houseman #1, and treehouseman is fabulous! Thanks for the WIP rundown, so interesting to read and see how others create. I too know that feeling when you are finishing something of oh! oh! what if I screw it up at this point!

  7. Love it, reminds me of the spirit trees.
    I am always seeing faces in trees, my husband thinks I am nuts;)


  8. You know I think you should have illustrated Tolkien's Lord of the Rings with your creations. Your latest tree person reminds me of 'Treebeard'. Absolutely wonderful pieces Jo! Penny

  9. Wow Jo. This one is AMAZING. The pattern on the leaves is just perfect. I don't think you could ever ruin a piece. But it's nice to know that no matter how MAGNIFICENT you are, that voice is still there. I suppose I thought that once you attained a certain level of awesomeness it just fluttered away. Sometimes I find that same voice keeping me at a stand-still. Thanks for reminding us to fight it, to push through it.

    This one makes me feel like such a kid again.


  10. Love this guy. Reminds me so much of the trees in the Wizard of Oz movie. You rock.

  11. He is pretty awesome... but I paid more attention to your advice... we have a family fraidy cat gene that stops us from even starting sometimes! You and your work are pretty darn inspirational!

  12. You my dear are a genius! Your art ALWAYS makes me smile! I just can't picture you being a scaredy cat though.........well, unless it's a clown. *wink* *wink*


  13. Oh I love it ! He could be the inspiration for a children's book...'The lonely tree house' or 'The tree house who longed to be a boy' or 'Little House on the Poplar... err Prairie. Wait a minute that's been done already. :-) Anyway he's WONDERFUL. I needed to hear that about the inner scaredy cat too. Thank you!!


  14. Oh WOw Joee, your work just gets better and better! Pam

  15. jOEE,
    You blow me away girlfriend. I think this is the most creative piece I have ever seen. Your imagination is endless and your artistic abilities are INSANE!

    LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this piece....even more than that! :0)


  16. This is fabulous! I just saw Wizard of Oz a few weeks ago at the theater and this tree looks like he would reach down and scoop Dorothy up to come inside (instead of smack her hand)! lol Oh, he does look lonely though... Love it!


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