
Mayhem and Foolishness

So, I didn't really get much finished this week, but we got a lot of stuff started. Here's a peek at this week's mayhem and foolishness:
I got some new beasties designed, and got three new Cheater Quilts almost done. (I'll be done with them by bedtime. Hooray!) My wee fingers are aching from all that stitching (and poking), and I put quite the dent in my button stash, but it's worth it because they'll be turned into patterns number 2, 3, and 4. Hopefully by the end of tomorrow. (Smiley face!)
The only thing I got totally done was a couple of strange beasties for Dylan's music video. Don't ask me what they are, cuz I don't know. I'm thinking they're some kind of bunny-lamb-goat-deer-camel hybrids. They're one of the finishing touches for the set he's been making for months.
Here's a picture of it so far:
You can see more of it on Dylan's Newsletter site.
Whilst I'm sharing what the other members of The Cart are up to, I had to include my awesome daughter's latest drawing. It's a self-portrait. She's only 16 and chock full of natural talent, which is a good thing cuz her high school doesn't have an art program.
The reason that I got to spend the week working on new stuff is because our New York gallery hoppers just came home. The girls and their quilted portrait are available to purchase now. .
Hope you all had a productive week,
or at least had fun trying.


  1. Oh! I see some wonderful stuff emerging! can't wait to see it all!

  2. Oh boy I DO so love to see works in progress!

  3. You amaze me with the volume and quality of your weekly work Jo! Thank you for sharing!

  4. Joee
    I always love your art BUT your daughter's latest drawing is amazing!!! JUST LOVE IT!!!!
    YES, she has natural talent!
    Have a wonderful creative week!
    Bugs & hisses

  5. Your work is just sooooooooo amazing! I can hardly stand it :). I love seeing the works in progress....such anticipation of the final products.
    Thank you for your utter creativity and inspiration!

  6. Love the huge amount of blanks on your workspace!! I am hoping it will inspire me to get something done this week!! My kids also went to a high school with a minimal art program. They now both attend mcad, your daughters drawing is fabulous!!

  7. Hello Jo, how lovely of you to pop over :) You have been busy as ever I see making more beautiful things :)
    Your daughter's painting is just amazing for someone of 16!
    I look forward to the day when we have spare pennies and I can buy some of your work :)
    Love from the house on wheels x Rima

  8. yay! i love what i can see of your new pieces...especially the circular flowers on your cheater quilt!

  9. Yay.......thanks for adding me to the newsletter list. I just received one and now I am officially obliged to ask.........Can I become a member of your family.........like a distant cousin or something.......like maybe from the hills? What a clan.....I know without a doubt there is never a dull moment at your house. Your works in progress are very inspiring........I am anxious to see the personalities emerge. The Beasties........are brillant. Aren't we all but just pieces and parts from many different beginnings. One of my favorite sayings.....we are to be..what we are now becoming.....so, are your gathering of figures. Can't wait!

  10. Productive, indeed - you're making me feel like a slacker, haha!

    And your daughter's work is just amazing!!

    Happy creating :)
    ~ Carolee

  11. can I come and live at your house so I can be surrounded by all the talent? I can't wait to see the finished video. Can't wait to see all the finished beasties.

  12. I love those crazy creatures. They look so dapper in their fancy get-ups.
    And, I agree, your daughter's drawing is amazing. (even if it does make me a bit woozy) :)

  13. Oh my goodness, oh my goodness... I so want to come to tea at your house and have Dylan put on a live show. (With the Frankendolls, Dylan. Not that you aren't interesting your own self...!)
    And that drawing by your girl. FANTAStic... totally love it and it says so much about how far out of the box she is.
    Take care!
    Candace in Athens

  14. The set for Dylan's video looks amazing Jo...wow!!! And your daughters painting is fantastic..she is very talented.

    LOVE your new creatures..the look like very dapper Alpaca's to me!!!! :)

    Have a wonderful day!

  15. Hey there Miss Joee - love your creatures! And your daughter's drawing is quite amazing! Ah, to be young and have a beehive for a brain! Full of ideas - busy as a bee!

    I loved seeing all your little white unpainted dollies sitting there. It reminded me that I have some little white unpainted dollies in my basement. Why did yours look so much more appealing? ;-)



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