
Owl Lover 2013 Calendar

Shivani over at My Owl Barn has put together a cool project for you to play with. It's a free print-your-own calendar, and over 40 artists have contributed owl-themed work. You get to pick your favorites and print out a little calendar. Or make lots of little calendars. You could also make them into owlicious cards or gift tags, circling the date of the gifting occasion. Lots of possibilities! And bonus, My Owl Barn is hosting a giveaway to celebrate the completion of this project! 

These are the 12 that I picked for my own calendar.
(Yes, I included my own. Is that lame?) 

You can get your own calendar here.

1 comment:

  1. Just beautiful, thanks so much for sharing the link. I am off to download the calendar.
    Sandy :)


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