
Not-Quite-Something-New-Yet Sunday

I hoped to have all sorts of new stuff to show you today, but reality had other plans. When it comes to finding that elusive balance between home and work, some weeks are more challenging than others. In between life stuff and filling orders, I did manage to cross a few things off my To-Do list though. And I really like crossing things off of lists. And making lists. And abandoning lists altogether and going off on some new and exciting tangent entirely, for that matter. Anyway, instead of Something-New to show, here are a bunch of snapshots from this morning's worktable.

Hopefully by this time next week I'll have lots of new goodies in a more done state. 
But if not, I'll have fun trying.


  1. Well, they may not be done, but they do look very promising:D Look forward to next week!


  2. He he) I have the same here. Work plans and other things to do plans crossing and mixing all the time and replacing each other.Anyway let it be)
    And Oh! how i love your elephants!

  3. I swear, I'm beginning to think that you have elves working for you in that studio! LOL. How do you manage to work so fast??

    1. Elves would be wonderful! Some days it feels like I work very slowly. I guess I do work pretty quickly though, but I put in a whole lot of hours.

  4. OMG the chihuahua is brilliant, looks so real!!!

  5. Well, it's still a lot of good stuff. I like seeing the elephants in progress and the little folk art paintings.

  6. Anonymous10/23/2012

    Love your style! Do you fire the clay pieces in a kiln? Then paint them?

    1. Thanks! I use Creative Paperclay. It's an air-dry clay. It's less breakable and much lighter than fired clay.

    2. And then paint it with acrylics.


Thanks for stopping by!