
Nothing-New Sunday

I'm afraid I don't really have anything new to share this week, so I thought I'd do a little week-in-review instead. Last weekend we camped in my folks' backyard and spent 2 1/2 days working on a Mother's Day present for my adorable mom. Dylan and I and my brother and his wife all descended upon her house while she was out of town and gave it a total make-over! Scrubbed, painted, built, shopped. . . the works! It looks amazing. Can't wait til she gets back and sees it. She'll be back just in time for Mother's Day, so we'll all head back to the coast so we can see her reaction. I hope she loves it!  
(Speaking of Mother's Day, there's still time to save some dollars if your mom likes Cart art.)

And speaking of The Coast and my folks' backyard, here are a few fabulous pictures from my fabulous Papa Steve-
Those elk pictures were in fact taken in their backyard! My Papa Steve only took up photography a few years ago, and has consistently gotten better and better. He's one of these hobbyist kind of guys that gets totally absorbed in his latest obsession. In this past decade it's been stained glass, surfing, and now photography. For purely selfish reasons, I'd much rather he stay behind the lens than still be jumping in that grumpy ocean. 

Also this week, Boy Kid went to the prom.
(No, him and his date don't actually have flowers for heads.)

And my "garden" started to do it's miraculous garden thing. The fact that I can put something that looks like I swept it up off the floor into something that I would sweep off the floor and it turn into something amazing still slays me.

Also, I made of bunch of arty stuff. That's what I'm doing today too. So I'd better get back to it.

Hope you all do at least one something-new today.


  1. Your Papa's photos are spectacular, I sure hope he'll linger behind the lens. I'm also delighted to see your little miracles in pots and can'st wait to see them in full bloom :)

  2. LIKE!! You will have to show photos of what you did for Momma! Nice kiddies!

  3. Hi Jo (& Dylan) ~
    love the your videos! I'm a huge fan!
    Our daughter had prom on saturday too...what a meloncholy time!!!

    LOVE your works of heART ~

    Blessed be,
    Lori from Notforgotten Farm


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