
New Digs

I'm saying hello from under a new roof! 
We're not done moving in yet, but The Cart is up and rolling along.
There are still a few boxes that haven't been opened,
but the studio is already being played in.
Tuzy the Wonder Fluff is making himself at home.
The boy kid's room is all done too, a teen nirvana with drums and band posters. And the living room is almost done (a nap was taken on the comfy couch already so that's a good sign). Our room is getting there, and the guest room is still a complete wreck. There are still a few essentials that are missing in action (like the tripod and a couple pieces of art), but I found 3 rulers that I could never quite put my finger on in the last house so yay! for that. Our new place is about half the size of our last digs which presents some challenges, but I'm trying (as always) to look on the bright side-- less to clean!

"The ache for home lives in all of us,
the safe place where we can go as we are
and not be questioned."
-Maya Angelou

New roof, new floors, new neighbors,
new grocery stores, new town, new streets,
new favorite places to discover. . . same ole silliness.


  1. Anonymous7/02/2010

    Welcome home. Hope you settle in quickly and peacefully.

  2. Anonymous7/02/2010

    I'm so glad you are settling in at your new home... I actually want to downsize from our BIG 100 year old house.... So good for you!!!

    : ) Pattee

  3. BEST WISHES for wonderful JOY in your new home! I know it will happen because you & Dylan are the original joy MAKERS! MUCH LOVE!

  4. Hi Jo

    I can't believe that your all up and running... You must be....

    .."WONDER WOMAN"...I'm impressed.

    Wishing you all every happiness in your new home.

    And as for the cleaning, small is beautiful, less cleaning, but you have to be a little more organised, when you've worked that out please drop me a line... I'm still struggling 10 years on.

    Love and hugs

    ~ Julie

  5. Blessings on your new digs!
    Hope you and all your family are happy, healthy, and prosperous under its roof!
    we are hoping to sell and retire after a couple more years. We have lived in this cozy little house for over 20 years, and we are trying to start getting to the junk now, to save some of the agony later. don't know if we can do enough to make a difference though...

  6. It's hard to move, isn't it? All that emotional stuff AND unpacking! lol! I bet this place will be easier to clean, and it will feel super cozy. :) I can tell you are one of those organized people just by looking at your window sill! :) Pam

  7. I am glad to see you are making your new house, a home.


  8. Here's to the "positive" side of change! Enjoy your new home and surroundings! Pam

  9. Oh my, your studio is so neat and organized...I bow my head in shame..mine looks like a mine field after all the mines were found!!

  10. I'm wishing you joy and happiness in your new home! I hope you have great adventures discovering your new neighborhood! You blow me away how quickly you've set up your studio! Can't wait to see what you create next!
    Happy 4th!- Cindi

  11. I'd have to take a sabatical after all of that!! Hooray for continuous silliness!

  12. I'm betting the Same Ole Silliness packed and bubblewrapped and transported and unpacked itself without a whiff of palaver. Welcome to your new digs!

  13. It would take me at least a week to recuperate and here you are up and running. Business as usual. House blessings to you.


Thanks for stopping by!