
It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

So we're loading up the moving truck the day after tomorrow and what does today find me doing?
I couldn't help myself! All these cheap canvas boards were unearthed in the packing process that were just begging to be taped together and made into a big ole something-I-hadn't-decided-yet. I made it up as I went along. I started by Mod-Podging fabric bits to the front, painting a winding black road, and a layer of white paint. Then I cut out a bunch of simple cardboard houses so I could play with the arrangement. Then traced the Mod Podge lid for trees.
Dylan kept saying it looked like I was making something to hang in a Kindergarten classroom, and asking if he could play with his little cars on it. Big meanie.
Layer upon layer.
Birds were the finishing touch.
NOW I can pack up my paints.

Hopefully I'll being saying hello 
from under a new roof in a few days.
. ☺ .


  1. Your blog header has made my day!

    Love this canvas art.

  2. Oh good heavens that's brilliant! TFS such a fun and unique project.
    Helen -- Firenze Cards

  3. This canvas is awesome!

  4. The paintings are wonderful and will beautiful in your new place. I can't wait to see pictures.


  5. Jo, only YOU with you artful eye would see the wonderful possibilities in that blank canvas! I LOVE IT! And I am thrilled for you & Dylan because you are almost in your nice new home! (You DO know we are going to want to SEE your home, right?) HUGS!

  6. I would so love to get my little cars out and play! It's amazing what you think to do with blank canvas(es).

  7. LOVE it!!!

    Hope it's a smooth move. Happy you found the right place :)

    Can't wait to see posts of the things you create in your new space!

  8. Good luck with your move. Bet you find lots of 'stuff' that you had forgotten about!
    Look forward to seeing pics when you are settled.

  9. Gosh, but I would love to sit by your art table for a day!!
    Good luck with the move...better you than me!!!

  10. Jo Congrats on your move! My gosh I love, love these canvases. They remind me of the prints from the 50's, very atomic age. They are now considered very chic with there economy of line and there joyful and playful style. You don't have to wait that long to be appreciated, Your sooo Chic!

  11. I put you in this treasury http://www.etsy.com/treasury/4c29ee6edc1a6d91a1169b95/sideshow-freaks
    (I love your shop and your blog :) )

  12. This piece is very effective. Amazing that you were able to lose yourself in it with thoughts of the move hanging over your head. I'm sure it did you the world of good too. Hope the move goes smoothly!

  13. You know we are going to miss your good vibes here in our cool coastal town. Lincoln on his horse bids adieu. Luck on your move inland ! Come back and visit the beach when you can't go another minute without the salty rich delicious intoxicating sea breeze!

  14. That is amazing. What you can create in the middle of moving is wonderful.

  15. Es precioso. Un abrazo desde Madrid, EspaƱa.


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