
Monday's Table

Today's table is for the birds! Ok, there are cats too, and a robot, and a skelly and a star, and one of the birds has a punkin-headed rider, but mostly birds.
Speaking of birds (how's that for a segue), I just got my very first bird feeder as a house-warming present. It's super adorable. I can't wait 'til the birdies discover it so I can watch them through the studio window. No birdies yet though. The boy kid suggested I put out a sign, something to the effect of Free Eats. Far be it from me to underestimate our fine-feathered friends, but I'm thinking they're not too literate.
Speaking of studios (another segue??), mine and I are still getting to know each other. We're not quite friends yet. There has been much rearranging and harumphing about the lack of light going on. I'm thinking we're gonna need to install an overhead light where the ceiling fan lives.

Speaking of celing fans (hehe, not really), we just got our library cards at our new library and they have this amazing thing where you can go online and download audibooks! For free! I love to read but my eyes are always so busy. I suspect I'll read (can you read with your ears?) several new books a week now. Today's selection is The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl by Barry Lyga. OK, Back to the table for me. That art's not gonna make itself.

What are you listening to today?


  1. That sounds great! I'm gonna see if my library does that.

  2. Love the new pieces and your new birdhouse. I need to go out tomorrow and see if I can find some outdoor things at the thrift stores.

    I love the library telus system, more options and being able to get books from other libraries is so nice. I read myself to sleep, at night.


  3. I need to get some of those audio books myself!! Love your new creations :)

  4. I totally get the 'my eyes are too busy to read'! Audio books are sensational. Keep up the great work you do...and enjoy a story along the way.
    My favourite audio books were by Ellis Peters, about Cadfael (the monk/sleuth)with the actor Derek Jacobi doing the reading...he also starred in the television series of 'Cadfael' Just Marvellous!

  5. Hi Jo! I tried audio books. I would listen while doing my art work....but it did not work out....I'd find myself frozen with my tools in hand..concentrating on what I was hearing!
    I've always told people I can't walk and chew gum at the same time!
    I hope it goes better for you! Linda

  6. Love love love the new works and THANKS for hipping me to My Curious Tea Party. Fantastic.

    I listen to music as I love to read, love the whole experience, the feel of book itself, the scent of the pages, curling up in bed with the coffee or cocoa beside me and a big yellow cat at my side ... bliss!
    Not unlike your site here.
    Take care!

  7. Good luck with the bird feeder thing! Or should I say Beware! I now have 4 of them and a squirrel feeder and I put peanuts in the little branches of a flowering bush I don't know the name of for the little squirrels to find. If I throw the peanuts on the ground, the bluejays get them right away. The birds become very upset if you miss a day (because you are out and can't go to the store til the next day). Yesterday one of the doves flapped wings in place right by my window looking in. So, I went right outside and fed them. I now buy porch and patio mix which is very expensive because they like it so much better. First a servant of the dogs...now the neighborhood birds...sigh....

  8. listening to Stieg Larsson "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" on cd as I work online or in car. I am also reading it before bed. So I have to pay attention to where I am at in it. Also have the next book on cd waiting. The 1st Swedish movie version was just at the Bijou and just came out @ video store. Really good stuff. 53degrees 2day @ beach. Wow. Inland heat wave wall holding us in a cool zone. Of course the 5th of July was excellent !


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