
Happy Birthday, Frida

My thoughts are with Frida Kahlo today, and remembering a doll we made celebrating her awesomeness some time ago.
*This picture of an adroable kid holding our Frida dolly is courtesy of Small magazine.*

She had her issues to be sure, but they only made her more interesting.

I tried to drown my sorrows,
but the bastards learned how to swim,
and now I am overwhelmed
by this decent and good feeling.
-Frida Kahlo


  1. Anonymous7/06/2010

    Thank you for reminding me of Frida's birthday. I am a big fan of hers and enjoy your blog very much.

  2. Anonymous7/06/2010

    I love Frida Kahlo... thank you for helping me remember her birthday... what a beautiful photo of your doll with this beautiful child!

    Pattee : )

  3. Beautiful post. I just picked up a book on Frida Kahlo last weekend and am really excited to start reading it!

  4. She is my absolute favorite artist. Not only for her art but for her personality! :)


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