
Window-Shopping Wednesday

T is for. . .

It's gray and wet here on the beautifully soggy Oregon Coast, but that's not gonna stop us from rounding up the party preparations for the eldest's birthday shenanigans. We were trying not to interfere and to let the girl kid do it all herself (something she has never stopped demanding since she was a toddler), but I've been granted permission to help here at the eleventh hour. She may officially be an adult now, but left to her own devices she bought pickles and sour gummy worms (and not much else) for her big birthday bash. Which is tomorrow, I might add. Pickles and gummy worms, check! What else could we possibly need?

Hope you're all having a lovely Wednesday!


  1. Happy Birthday to your darling Daughtersee, they still your help every now and then!!!
    Have a fun day celebrating.

  2. Love it- Thanks! :-)

  3. Thanks for featuring my work :)

  4. Anonymous6/24/2010

    What an honor to be featured! Thank you so much and Happy Birthday to your daughter!


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