
Summer Table

The first day of Summer is coming in on soggy gray feet here on the Oregon Coast, still I'm hopeful the sun will triumph today. The joy of a sunny day was lost to me until we came to Oregon. Before here, I lived most of my life in Arizona and Florida, and Summer was not a time of delight (to say the least). But now I have discovered that wonderful popsicle-flavored, lemonade-sipping, picnics-in-the-park, smiley-faced Summer that I could only dream about before.

In other news, we're still packing up The Cart around here. The walls are self-consciously and uncharacteristically naked, and boxes have taken over as the dominant decor. So it's only fitting that even more boxes should grace the worktable today.

Aren't they cute?
I'll do a little tutorial if you'd like when we get all settled in to our new place.
Obviously I still haven't quite packed up the art supplies. I suspect they'll be the very last thing put into boxes as we're heading out the door in 6 days.
. . .
Hope you're all having a wonderful day, full of Summery goodness
(even you Wintering types in that other hemisphere).


  1. Oh! I love your boxes!
    I live in the Midwest and it's in the 90's today, lots of humidity and we are supposed to be getting severe thunderstorms later!
    Wahoo! Where I work I'm constantly inside and outside...you should see my curly frizzy hair! Oh well, the dogs don't mind!
    Good Luck with your move!
    Can't hardly wait to see the tutorial!

  2. Those boxes are SO cute!

  3. Ciao ! Even in Roma the wheather is horrible !!!Wonderful boxes !

  4. 4 yo singing rain rain go away over and over and over this morning! very disappointed it hasn't stopped. the boxes are so cute!!

  5. Those boxes are so fresh-looking and happy! I love the colors! Will be peeking in frequently (I do that anyway!) to see the tutorial! And tell me, lil' Jo - when are you moving? Do you NEED anything? BIG HUGS!

  6. Today was a champagne mid-winter day here in Tasmania - frosty start, then beautiful sun all day. It only got to about 13 C ( 58?F) but there was not a breath of wind, so it felt quite warm. And now the days are getting longer......YAY!!
    The little boxes are way cute~!

  7. I know that moving is a tough, nasty job. Thanks for such a bright, happy post. I might just have to have a popsicle today. Yum!

  8. I wish you a speedy and easy move!


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