
WIP's and Cyber-friends

Here's what Monday's designs turned into by Wednesday.

Now it's Thursday, and they are farther along. Naturally. But I won't be working on them today because company is coming! I'll tell you more about that later.  First, I just had to share some snail-mail happiness-

This package of olfactory awesomeness is from my friend
Michelle (aka Tinkerchelle) over at The Blackberry Briar.

And sweety-pie Lori over at Vintage Palette sent me the coolest antique buttons as a little cheer-me-up.
Thank you, Tink and Lorikins!

I feel blessed to have made many lasting friendships via the internet. I know alot of people think that web-friends aren't real friends, but I've known some of my cyber-buddies for years and years, and there is something very real about the connections you can make when appearance/geography/social status/age doesn't matter. I have often been struck by the openness, thoughtfulness, and generosity of the people I've come to know. And if the perfect gift says anything about how well a person knows you, then my internet friends know me very well indeed.


  1. I TOTALLY agree! We can FEEL real friends! I met my BEST friend on a dollmaking group 6 YEARS ago! We've still never met face-to-face, but we write everyday and know pretty much EVERYTHING about each other! I love the goodies your friends sent you, & you SO DESERVE to receive beautiful gifties because YOU gift US with your talent and your beautiful, fun spirit! Big hugs!

  2. Absolutely!my internet friends are real! They support me, listen to me ,share with me ,laugh with me and KNOW me!I'd be lost without them I'm sure
    I'm one of your newby followers btw! Love the oldfactory style ..sepia,old glass & papers and images and buttons too....treasure yes?

  3. I can't wait to see what the "WIP"s look like when they are finished.
    And, yes, definitely Internet dollmaking/crafting/artist friends are some of the most "real" people there are and make awesome friends.
    Hugs from,
    Cindy (thimbleprims studio)

  4. I would say that cyber friends are real friends.

    When I was in a horrible funk a couple of weeks ago, was it my family and old in-person friends that cheered me up? Nope. My blogging friends did it.

    Do I see another seahorse coming up? Looking forward to seeing all of the results.

  5. I agree! I talk with my Internet friends more than I talk with my "Best" friends that I could "see" if they ever had time! One of them doesn't answer emails for days because she never gets on the computer and another time she couldn't talk because she was running out the door to go "shopping"! and when I talk about blogging she snort-laughs! (I hate that!) I guess sometimes we just grow in different directions and it's wonderful to find people who understand and care about the same things!
    Which brings me back to... I can't wait to see your newest creations!

  6. I have been so fortunate in so many ways. I have actually MET two of my Blogovians! And I agree with Kim Hambric, it was one of my cyberpals who helped me out of a bad way --
    WOW. Those gifts are so cool and you do so deserve fun stuff, pretty stuff. Look at all you and Dylan do to make the world a great good place!
    Candace in Athens.

  7. I don't know how I found your blog but I just have to say-you do such amazing work!

  8. Can't wait to see how your designs turn out! And what lovely gifts you received from those who love you! I couldn't agree more about cyber-friends! I've been blessed to grow close to people from all over the world and all different ages! Wouldn't trade 'em for anything!


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