

I spent yesterday designing new stuff. When designing new stuff, I usually start with the old stuff. I go through The Box that holds most of our past templates (Dylan traces these onto fabric to sew and stuff), setting aside ones that tickle my fancy.

This is what The Table looked like just before I got down to business-

I've got my idea book and notepad, my reference materials, my beloved lightbox, tape, scissors, favorite pencil, and some posterboard. Posterboard is my favorite thing to cut templates out of, although I've certainly been known to cut templates out of anything I have lying around, like cereal boxes.
I started with a vague idea of what I wanted to make this week. I knew I wanted to incorporate a claddagh into some sort of angel (thus the printed-out claddaghs), design a robot girl, and do a new mermaid. So I went through my old templates and borrowed a head or tail, made them bigger or smaller or fatter or thinner, and generally reconsidered, redrew, reexamined, rehashed, reorganized, restyled, revamped, reviewed, and reworked the design. My day ended with 7 new designs and a more-complete list of what I plan to make this week. I  lists.
Today, I paint.

What possibilities does your day hold?


  1. can't wait to see the robot girl, my 4 yo loves anything robot!!

  2. I need your organization skills

  3. Love you sharing your tips and tricks Jo and using the term finish line instead of deadline is perfect. All in the perspective!
    Enjoy Janell and Dani on Thursday!

  4. I used to cut my patterns from posterboard but now cardstock works great for me, although both are on hand! No time for designing as I have a baby shower I'm organizing, plus, the weather needs to warm up so I can cut some more wood!

  5. Just fabulous to see how you go about creating! :) I cannot wait to see your robot, since I love them, too! xo Pam

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  7. Hi Joee,

    I have been enjoying your blog! Love Dylan's newsletters too!

    It is so fun to see how the process works for other people. For me, the designing is the VERY, VERY best part. It is the finishing that taxes me a bit!

    Your work has just become so incredible. I am so glad to see the success that you and Dylan have been blessed with.

    We are out in your neck of the woods on occasion. We will have to meet sometime!

    The Mr. and I met in your little town, and just recently spent our 25th anniversary there. Just love it.

    Bless you!

    Annette-Confounded Conoctions

  8. Can I just curl up at your feet like a housecat and soak up the creativity? I keep trying to go back to painting but everything I do looks like my mom painted it. Not that she was a bad artist, but I don't want her style. You make me think outside the box. That's a good thing. See, you're working on your inspiration and you inspired me.

  9. ooh....looking forward to what crawls out of the box!!

  10. Oh I Love getting a peek into your process! It's like peeking into someone's medicine cabinet (not that I'd ever do THAT! LOL!)
    I can't hardly wait to see your finished creations!
    (I wish I could borrow Dylan! I hate the "sewing" part!)

  11. I could NEVER have your brilliant creative mind, but we DOOOOO share the love of list-making! I am a typical Virgo who would rather make lists, organize, and just PLAN than actually DO sometimes. LOL! Can't wait to see what you make this week. My day - my next FEW days - will hold a HUGE editing job the client wants Friday at 5 A.M.! Tote that barge & lift that bale! (Or as my housemate VERY much misquoted, "Tow that barrel and cut that tail!" Bwahahaha!) Have a GLORIOUS day, lil' Jo!

  12. Hey Jo,
    thanks again for sharing your creative process. I love the way you put it all together and come up with evermore original pieces from the memory of past ones.

  13. Joee, I can't wait to see your new designs!
    I just bought "The Box" and now I see it on your blog. LOL
    I am going to be putting all my ideas and templates, and collage papers in it. :)
    Have a great day with Janell and Dani !!

  14. This was so inspiring and so much fun to read!! I love seeing images of peoples work space and hearing about their process! It always encourages me!!


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