

I've been thinking on the whole New Year's resolutions tradition. I skipped it last year, tired of making (and breaking) the same old promises to myself. This year I wanted to think of something less breakable.
So here it is, in black and white-
This year I resolve to avoid the dreaded Comparison Trap. I have fallen in many times, comparing myself to bigger and fancier birds. Well, my plumage may no be so bright, but it keeps me warm. Perhaps my nest is less grand than some birds', but it is soft and cozy and just right for my little flock. I might not sing the most eloquent song, but it's melody is sweet and clear. So this year, I promise myself to keep on singing, and to delight in the songs of others without being diminished by them.
The Comparison Trap can't catch this bird!

What promises are you making to yourself this New Year?


  1. ...I love that and it is so very true! My resolution this year is just one and it is to just be a better person. To think better, live better, be better...that's it. Since reading your post I am going to adopt that resolution too. It's a good one and thank you... :o)

    ...Happy New Year to you and yours and here's wishing you much joy, laughter, health, love and properity this year!

    ...Blessings... :o)

  2. Anonymous1/01/2010

    Great thought Jo. You have a 'niche' that is yours and it's recognizable as YOU! If it isn't broke....don't play around with perfection. It IS easy to compare to others (human nature I suppose), but as a FAN of your art, I do think you have found a wonderful nest. Fluff it up and sing!

  3. When I worked with teenagers, Yes I did survive, I used to tell them comparison kills. I like your trap analogy better. You are so wonderful, I don't know how you could ever need to compare to anyone else.
    As for me, my word is opportunity. I have let so many pass me by, I must not let that happen this year. I will embrace opportunity be it positive or the negative (for learning purposes and growing, we hope). Happy New Year, Linda in New Mexico

  4. I just vowed to treat myself like I do my son, with tenderness, concern for health, savoring every moment and every achievement, and lots of due praise.

    I like yours. I think we generally have a problem nowadays with people looking at what people look like, what they drive, how they dress, blah blah blah instead of comparing their interiors. So, next time you try to compare the exterior, go deeper than that. I suspect you rise and bob on the surface compared to the superficial sinkers.

  5. Brilliant and important to remember, so I posted this in our kitchen.

  6. My every year resolution is to take better care of me. But I never do and in a few weeks I will be 55 and 70 lbs heavier than I was 20 years ago. I am most happy out in the mountains hiking but as the weight comes on it becomes more difficult. This year I want to accept myself enough to be able to put my face on facebook.

  7. Here! Here! Most excellent indeed!
    Happy New Year! Deb

  8. Well said! Getting caught in the comparison trap can be so draining (I have tripped and fallen into it many times myself). You have inspired me and I wish you all the best for 2010 :)

  9. Oh, Jo! That's PERFECT! I've ALWAYS had trouble accepting that I'm 'okay' as is. Just recently - VERY recently - I learned something that changed me & made me finally decide I've been 'enough' all along! But THANK YOU for the reinforcement, thank you for understanding that you are MORE than wonderful EXACTLY as you are, and thank you for being a dear and an inspiration in every way. Keep right on singing, little Jo - your song is BEAUTIFUL.

  10. This year I'm going to conjure up a positive, friendly alter ego. This alter ego is going to slap around my usual negative self. I'm going to put 4 ounces of water in an 8 ounce glass and pronounce it half full.

    I've enjoyed looking at your creatures this year. This blog has definitely been a positive in my life.

    And that plumage of yours is pretty bright and colorful.

  11. Oh I love that! I too am going to post that by my computer as a reminder! I sometimes find that I compare myself to old friends who have HUGE homes and Big FANCY "Professional" careers! I have found myself embarrassed by having a "manual" job and struggling to create my art but then I realize that I am probably a lot happier being true to myself than trying to be what others think I should be...

  12. I do love that saying and did a fraktur with that saying on it. I am who I am, I make what inspires me and happy with what I am and create.


  13. I love the way you said that. It's V. good advice and some that I will take heed of. Thanks so much.

  14. I think I may join you in that very sound and logical resolution. AND I am going to remember to breathe deeply several times throughout the day. There. I have made my resolutions!

  15. Jo...
    Oh that is so wonderful! Such a nice thing to think about! Although I can't imagine what work you must look up to...yours is so amazing...I have admired and drooled for years over your beautiful creations!
    Happy New Year and sing, sing away!!!

  16. First of all, you are an amazing bird. One of those birds with plumage sticking out of her head, and fifty different colors of feathers, and maybe she squawks AND sings! :) Second, you are dead right about comparing yourself to others, it's a complete waste of time and energy. Third, I feel a little guilty because here is my resolution: to remember to take my cloth grocery bags with me to the store. haha! I guess I start small, resolution-wise. Happy New Year, and thank you for all the inspiration you have given to me! :) Pam

  17. Well said, Jo. :) As someone who's fallen into the comparison trap myself (usually when I'm around my family) this is something I need to remember as well.

    Here's to being happy with our little nests! :)

    ~ Carolee
    PS, for what it's worth, I think your plumage is spectacular!

  18. What a fantastic resolution! I raise a toast to your continued success and your beautiful singing bird self! Here!Here!

  19. That's right! This has been in my head too but the name you have given it-the comparison trap, was not. I think this is so important. We can only be ourselves and it is all too easy to forget that.
    Happy New year to you!

  20. Jo, the quote and the way you expanded on it were exactly the encouragement I needed today. For years I used the exquisite workmanship and artistry of more experienced artists such as yourself, and the unkind or ignorant criticism of a few, as excuses to avoid developing my own skills. The many risks didn't seem to outweigh the benefits. But for years I've followed your work, seeing you as a role model and your consistent, prolific production, unique style, and willingness to go out on a limb and try new things as great inspiration to "go for it". You and your work are beautiful! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  21. Oh no no no - don't compare! Your work is always beautiful and always just you!


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