
The Latest

Here's the latest batch, posing for their portrait.

Look how deceptively sweet Her Majesty looks. . .

I love how her fancy collar turned out.
She was mighty fussy about her crown and I had to make it 3 times to get it just right. Sometimes simple is best.
Along with Alice, I just had to include Little Red Riding Hood-- my two favorite storytime girls.

And what Cart would be complete without a couple of anthropomorphic beasties?

Today I'm making more and more designs to add to our growing collection of limited editions.
Ever have TOO many ideas and get overwhelmed and just wanna take a nap? Or is that just me?


  1. Oh my gosh,
    Your talents always amaze me. I love the Queen, and yes her crown is so magestical, I just love her detail. How do you do it?

    Then when I think I have seen it all, you pull Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf right out of your hat. I so love it. What a beautiful job you have done.

    Ofcourse your beasties are pretty darn cute too.

    Thank you so much for sharing with me today. I so love your creations. You are truly a gifted artist and I am so blessed to be able to view your art.

    Country hugs, Sherry

  2. I think I am about 75% ideas, 20% laundry and 5% naps/wishing for naps.

  3. I don't know what I like most...everything! The fish really caught my eye--how totally cool! Red Riding Hood and her companion--brilliant! You are really on a roll!

  4. LOL! (I agree with Natalie!)
    I love them all! Adore the Queen!!!

  5. Anonymous1/03/2010

    Her Highness is quite lovely, as is her entire crew in the picture. LOVE the cats' toothy grin. Ok, now that you've done these most excellent creations, you DESERVE a nap! Sleep on....

  6. I'm oooohing & ahhhhing over here! You did the queen PROUD, my dear! And I am delighted to see the Flamingo now DOES have a leg to stand on! All are charming, fun, delightful, and VERY uniquely Jo-ish! I still contend that you are a National Treasure!

  7. I am a firm believer in naps whether you need them or not. Since I always do need one, I guess that makes sense. WHAT a delightful crew you have here, Jo. I love the Queen and do love that little gold fishie... being a Pisces, I suppose I would!
    Take care!

  8. Beautiful new pieces, Jo!!

    Oh, yes, I know the too many ideas, not enough time thing!

  9. I like the point on Red's hat. Jaunty.

  10. OH I love your wild imagination...you are so creative..love them all and love little red ridinghood and the wolf..you do awesome work...;)

  11. They are all perfect! I especially love Red's skirt. :) As for naps, I am a huge fan. The world would be a nicer place if we all paused for that thirty minute re-boot. Lovely new work, Jo! What it must be like inside that head of yours! :)) Pam

  12. I live in a constant state of overwhelmed need of nap. My mind works overtime, my hands seem to be on strike lately!

    But, it is a new year- hope springs eternal that my hands and mind will get on the same page.

    Awesome new stuff- as always!

  13. Love your creativity, wish I had just a fraction of it. Love them all but the fish is my favorite.
    Can't wait to see what you come up with next!

  14. Anonymous1/06/2010

    Its been awhile since I paid you a visit. I do appologise. It is definately my loss. I hope that you both had a wonderful new year and I am going to try to get over to Lincoln City one of these days soon. Love all of your wonderful creations.

  15. The fish is wonderful...thank you for sharing...enjoy

  16. I love your mythology!


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