
Waiting and Wonderland

The table today is full of blanks.
Blank boxes, waiting for paint. Blank stuffies, waiting for pencil.
Blank canvases, waiting to be brought to life.

Alice and Company are looking much less blank today-

The queen needed a new crown. (She didn't like the last one, and I'm rather attached to my head.) Dylan is designing an adjustable stand for Miss Alice. And the pink flamingo still needs some attention. Poor little thing hasn't got a leg to stand on.


  1. Oh, I could so see you using these to turn and position in still shots made into a little movie with some interesting music in the background. They tell a story just standing there. Beautiful work!

  2. Wow! The Queen of Hearts is VERY regal looking.

  3. I'm in AWE!!! Very lovely work, Jo! ROFL about the flamingo and 'no leg to stand on'!!

  4. WOW! I love that Queen! and I adore your Alice! That's so cool how you wrote her name on the apron!
    I was looking at your work on Ebay and saw some LAME person trying to copy your style...what a joke! Your beautiful unique work can NOT be duplicated! Your brilliant creativeness should make her hang her head in shame.

  5. That would be so fun to have a set of our favorite stories, love how you did this one up.


  6. oh you do absolutely fabulous work..I love the detail on the queen...love it all..:)

  7. Of, course, Jo, these new Alice pieces are to die for!

    Just stopping by to wish you a very Happy New Year!


  8. Ooooooh! Goodies EVERYWHERE on that table! Love all of them, but that queen is AWESOME. You never fail to amaze & delight me! I suspect you have that affect on everyone! You are MAGIC!


Thanks for stopping by!