

A messy work table greeted me this morning,
"Hello, Jo! We're waiting."
If they had feet, they'd be tapping them impatiently.
Alice and friends are coming along. And a flock of bird wands arrived while I slept.

Beside the table, stars and moons and a glittery crown (can you guess who it's for?) dry on the heater. Waiting for stuff to dry is no fun, so I speed it up whenever I can.

You can see a couple of the finished wands here (they're down at the bottom of the page) or on Ebay or Etsy. We've been slowly but surely updating our website, making little changes everyday.
OK, I think they must be dry now, so I'm off to draw their cute little faces.
Happy Monday!


  1. Anonymous12/28/2009

    Yes it's back to the real world after a wonderful respite. Looks like you're much further along than I am but then you always are. Everything looks amazing as always and I love the wands particularly. So cute.

  2. Ooh Joee it looks like some yummy beginnings there!!!!

    : D Jackie

  3. Joee - love it when you unveil a cast of characters! I want to do that someday, too.


  4. How imaginative! I love them! Happy New Year to you!

  5. So sweet, and yes the holidays are gone...Back to free creativity...no pressure of holidays.


  6. As wonderful as the holidays are/were, I am glad to be able to
    get back to creating again.

    These pieces are going to be fabulous!

  7. Oh, Jo! Each morning I look forward to getting my coffee and coming in here to unwrap your blog! Yes, I said UNWRAP. It's like a new gift every single day because it just makes me HAPPY! What do YOU look like, Jo? I visualize you as one of your own darling lil' creations - veeeeery cute-naughty, filled with fun & mischief! Thank you for never failing to delight this 59-year-old-overgrown-child with what you do. I hereby declare you a true blogging treasure - award to follow. LOL!


Thanks for stopping by!