
New Endeavors (and Pink Elephants Too)

We're in the process of giving our previously neglected website a make-over. There is still much to do, but we've added an exciting new thing -- stuff to buy! The Mr. and I have decided to start selling a series of limited edition pieces right off our website. Up 'til now we've been selling all of our original pieces on eBay, auction style, but now we'll be mostly focusing on our website. We'll add new designs as we make them (which will be quite often I'm sure).
And so, without further ado,  I'm pleased to introduce the first of the newest additions to the Cart menagerie--

A pair of pretty-in-pink pachyderms. . .

. . .a starry angel. . .

. . .a pretty butterfly. . .

. . .and a winged guardian of ragdolls everywhere.

We're excited about this new direction,
and want to give a big thank you
to all our wonderful collectors out there!


  1. Thank goodness! Now I have proof I'm seeing pink elephants! I don't know what I love the most...they are all so precious and unique.

  2. And what a beautiful way to start out in that new direction! Your dolls are just lovely!

    Xoxoxxx Ree

  3. I love all your work and am happy to see the new direction as well. Fantastic Guardian.
    Candace in Athens.

  4. The butterfly made me hold my breath...so beautiful.

  5. Your new endeavors sound wonderful and I KNOW will be a success for you! LOVE your new pieces. My favorite is the Guardian of rag dolls.....so sweet.

  6. Thank you so much for posting the cat cone tutorial! Pop over to my blog to see what I did with it. (www.la-sha.blogspot.com) Also, there's some major CBTH love posted there- you guys are totally helping make Christmas awesome.

  7. Hallelujah! And about time! I'm bad at Ebay. It's the attention span of a gnat thing and I always forget to come back to stick my hand up.

    (oh, and Merry Christmas lovely lady)

  8. The extent of your imaginations always astound me... love the elephants.
    Wishing you and yours a Very Merry Christmas.

  9. Wow! Oh, I love Mr. & Mrs. Pachaderm! I love all of them.:) I can't wait to see your website! Have a wonderful holiday, and thank you so much for the smiles this morning! :) Pam

  10. Congrats and I know you will do well! I am sooo in love with your Guardian of Ragdolls! Your work never ceases to amaze me.

  11. I'm doing a HAPPY NEW ADDITION TO YOUR WEBSITE dance! Of course, I want ALL OF IT, but my Scroogy old purse strings are too tightly closed to allow it. Perhaps ONE day. Until then, I will continue to look, drool, admire!

  12. Wonderful new pieces and my sister would go nuts over your elephants. She told me she only gets ones with their trunks up. I guess that is good luck.


  13. Your faces are true masterpieces!


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