
Make a Dear Paper Deer

Happy Winter!
It's not long now til that Night of Night's that is Christmas Eve.
I wanted to send a card to all my Blogland friends, but I just don't have that many stamps. So instead I'll share the How-To of the cards I made this year.
Here’s a little paper-cut deer that you can make. I made cards out of my little fawns, but they would be equally at home matted and in a frame.

You’ll need:

-Cinnamon-brown cardstock
-Scrap of cream-colored cardstock
-Craft paints : dark brown, white, and beige
-Background paper or blank card
-Little paintbrush
-White glue

First, print your template (click for a printable version) and cut out all the pieces like so-

Next, paint the deer’s belly beige, like this-

Then add little white dots. (I like to use the wrong end of my paintbrush for this, just dip and dot.)

Next, paint all his wee little feet dark brown, like so-

Then glue his ears and face on.

When he’s all dry, glue your deer’s body to the background.

Now glue on his other two legs like so-

I finished mine off with some tiny stitches.

All done!


  1. Adorable! Thank you so much!!!
    **blows merry kisses** Deb

  2. Wow! That is about the most precious thing. Just beautiful.

  3. Easily one of the sweetest greetings to *come our way*
    Thank you for sharing.

  4. You are so kind! What a thoughtful gift to give us all!

  5. HOOYAH! Thanks not only from Doe Adeer, who lives on my land with her Personal Posse, but thank you from Candace in Athens.

    Happy Holidays.

  6. These are wondeful and look like they are fun to make! Thank you so much for sharing with us!

  7. ever so cute! thanks for sharing this wondeerful ;-} card idea!

  8. Oh, cute cute cute!! I wish I'd found this before Christmas, but I'll save it for next year. Thanks so much for this gift!


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