
On the Table

In progress-

It's looking so Christmassy on the table
that I had to throw a little Halloween in this post.

“If I need a cause for celebration
Or a comfort I can use to ease my mind
I rely on my imagination
And I dream of an imaginary time.”


  1. I just love your world! I could write such horror stories about what lies on your workshop table...bits and parts waiting to be "Frankesteinianly" pieced together into a living being! Your Halloween stuff was unbelievable and your Xmas stuff looks to be ridiculously perfect!

  2. I wish I could be a fly on your wall as you create! I am simply fascinated with your work, AND your imagination. You are an inspiration to me! Sam Johnson

  3. In Houston this morning it is DREARY! VERY rainy & stormy pre-cool front. So to see that explosion of Christmas on your table jumpstarted my day & has me humming! "Jingle bells! Jingle bells..." THANK YOU! (I'm 'specially NUTS about the piece with the birds painted on!)

  4. AAAAAAH! Do I spy a Christmas Monkey?!?!?

  5. Oh cant wait to see what yall have come up with...Have a great weekend.


  6. It must be so fun to live in a house with dolls and paint all strewn about... They're going to be fabulous!

  7. OOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo too cute! Can't wait.

  8. Looks like your getting busy for Christmas already. Can't wait to see what you come up with. Happy Halloween

  9. looks like fun!! i actually broke out my wynonna christmas cd this week!! the year is just going to fast, can't wait till sunday to see who you've created this week!

  10. Your work is so fantastic!
    (can't wait to see that monkey!)

  11. Your table is full of interesting creations, can't wait to see them evolve into beings.


  12. I just love these little sneak peeks...it's a fun guessing game to see what will materialize from the parts. I'm waiting for just the right kitty to be conjured up!

  13. Oh gosh, I know what you mean. I am hurtling past Halloween and into Christmas already for some reason. Say, what happened to Thanksgiving? I have NO idea where that turkey flew off to... lol.
    Great great work here, Jo. Can not wait to see it all!

  14. Can't wait to see what you've 'dreamed' up! The piece closest to the bottom looks VERY interesting!! I'm already liking that Santa 'cone'!

  15. Hi Jo,
    Looks a bit like my place. I've put up some Halloween decorations and started work on my own Xmas dolls!
    I noticed you have a Jack Skellington model too! It's certainly a great feeling of excitement around this time of the year, I love it. So much fun to drop by here and see your dolls come to life!

  16. Would love to see a photo of your husband's work table sometime.

  17. your work BLOWS my mind. seriously. intensely beautifully fantastic.


Thanks for stopping by!