

I hang out with an awesome group of artists online that specialize in Halloweeny goodness. Sometimes they feature artist interviews on their blog, and guess who they interviewed this month? The Cart! You can read it


  1. Great interview! Don't you ever ever ever consider changing jobs. You're doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing. Fantastic talent!

  2. Terrific interview. It always interests me to know how other people work from home and work with their partners.
    I had to laugh about the dining table...as hard as I try to keep my work to just the studio...somehow it always makes its way to the table. You should see it now! But we still manage to eat around it. Grateful to have such an understanding partner.

  3. So... truly, is your work space always that clean? lol Congratulations again!

  4. Fun fun fun! I am so thrilled for, with and about you and Dylan too.
    Congratulations for this. Thanks for sharing it here.

    Candace in Athens.

  5. That was fun to read the interview and get to know both of you better...are you afraid of gnomes?...perhaps you need to make a gnome child or a old gnome. That would delight the world as far I can see! Smile!

  6. CLAP, CLAP, CLAP - STANDING OVATION! Well deserved, you two cute lil' celebs! Your talent & fun spirits NEED to be out there for your admiring public to read about! KUDOS to you both! (Now, take a few more bows then go finish some more of your incredible pieces so I can drool over them!)

  7. Great interview. I especially liked the plans for the future. DVDs!!! Books!!! Oh, the future looks so bright. Looking forward to your future plans.


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