
Tuesday's Table

I finished preparing the printer's tray that I started yesterday.
It's all ready now to provide a home for tiny bits and bobs.

I cut many many rectangles out of paper, fabric, magazines, and various ephemera,
then glued them in. (I couldn't resist including one of our business cards.) It was fun moving the bits around, like laying out a tiny quilt.

I've already gathered a handful of my favorite tiny objects.
They'll be moving into their new digs shortly.
Adding to my Little Things collection over the next few weeks/months will keep me amused on my days off.

Also on the table,
yesterday blanks have become today's ready-to-paints.

Identities have been assigned, pencil lines drawn,
and they've officially been added to The List.
Now they await paint.

Distracting me from the task at hand are the perpetual Trick-or-Treaters.

They even got sweet Alice in on their game.

Give a doll a mask and all of a sudden they think it's your job to provide them with an endless supply of candy corn, fun-size chocolates, and Bit-O-Honeys. And if there are no more treats to dole out, the tricks are sure to come. Luckily, the pranks are pretty lame. They did manage (by standing on one another's shoulder's) to reach my bed, but they had no rubber snake to put in it and instead left a wayward piece of black embroidery floss. Needless to say, I was less than frightened. They were mildly successful in TP'ing the studio, but their attention spans are as short as they are. There was only a tiny bit of paper left on the roll they found, and they didn't look very hard for more. The overall effect was unimpressive.


  1. Haahaa! Love them all. The halloween kitty mask girl with the orange skirt, Swoon!

    P.S. you inspired me to tackle a toy bin I have been meaning to redo for months now. Thanks for inspiring me. The redo did wonders for my creative mojo.

  2. Have I commented before? Sometimes I just sit here in a state of eye-ball-glazed art awe.
    I like what you do. It makes me curious and happy and inspired and a bit muddled in my speech.

  3. I love what you have done with the type drawer. I have had a couple of these for years - never really known how to use them - maybe I could be inspired by what you have done!

  4. Oh my gosh, you have inspired me to do something fun with my printers tray. I have two of them. One for the kitchen area, and one for the living room area or office area. I can hardly wait until I get back from vacation so that I can get started.

    I so love these little characters of yours. Their accessories are just precious. My gosh what a wonderful artist you are. I have been told I have two left hands, but I would so love to try one day. I love the little girl with the kitty face and red shoes and white pumpkin. Just precious. Thank you so much for sharing with me. Country hugs, Sherry

  5. It's a Joee World! May I come over?

  6. Every time I look at your stuff, my fingers itch to just play in your workshop! I bet you never have an uninspired day there!

  7. It is fun to collect minis, a good thing to do on a rainy day. I love the kitty masked girl at the end. In case you haven't noticed, I am obsessed with cats;)


  8. Can't wait to see your printers tray with all the bits and pieces installed .... there again I like it as it is, especially the business card.

  9. Anonymous9/23/2009

    Fantastic stuff :)

  10. DO NOT - I repeat - DO NOT EVER GROW UP! You have adult talent beyond BELIEF, but your beautiful creativity could ONLY stem from a child's lovely spirit! The printer's tray is just a super idea for storing/displaying tiny pretties! And your masked Naughties made me smile so big my ugly old round face nearly popped like a dropped pumpkin! (By the way, SEE? You DO have stories in ALL your creations! And they are ALL happy!)

  11. This will be a fun project, Jo. What's the smallest size rectangle there?

  12. (small cussing ensues) I have one of those and now I feel like I have to make it as impressive as yours! LOL
    I really love it!!!!

  13. Hi Jo
    My daughter has several of these printers' trays, she has put her fossils in each of the little windows they look realy good and it allows her to enjoy them instead of being unloved in a box in the loft.

    The print trays are getting rather expensive over here, but I bet she will want another for all her little bits and bobs when I show her this blog.

    Thank you for the lovely post.



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