
Monday's Table

What's on the table today?
A mess.

I got this very cool printer's drawer many years ago and have been lugging it around ever since, waiting for inspiration to strike. Yesterday, it struck. I dug it out of it's dusty garage-abandoned home, and washed it off. And washed. And washed. It was gross. I wish I had taken real Before pictures, but the abundance of dead spiders might have scared you all away. So I'll have to content myself with a During picture. Here the drawer sits, in all its compartmentalized glory, scrubbed and sanded. I've started filling the little boxes with pretty paper, preparing it for its new life as a holder-of-tiny-things. Making and gathering the aforementioned Tiny Things is my idea of great fun.

The worktable also holds the Bucket-O-Blanks,
wherein next week's dollies await their fate.

Later today I'll assign them an identity, draw on them,
and add them to The List.

Last week's mayhem. . .

. . .turned into this week's menagerie-

Something I read somewhere which has always stuck with me-
"Chaos often breeds life, when order breeds habit."
I like that.
I think that when a balance is managed
between Chaos, Order, and Habit,
then Creative Productivity is achieved.

Balance is always the tricky part,
don't you think?


  1. oh I love your dollies...you do such wonderful work..I seem to work best when I am running out of time..so I tend to really kick it in the butt and there is no stopping me.:)

  2. Can't wait to see what becomes of that printer's drawer. Looking forward to seeing what becomes of those blanks. Curious to know what the results will be of your balance between chaos and order.

  3. Anonymous9/21/2009

    oooo. can't wait to see your goody tray! i so enjoy reading your posts, jo!

  4. I always look forward coming back to your blog and looking at all the YUMMY things that you create! Love them ALL!:)
    I am sure your printer's drawer is going to be full of lovely little treasures! Can't wait to see it full of life!

  5. As a writer, I appreciate the concept of assigning identities to your parts bin. That made me smile. I love the saying too. Very inspiring!

  6. Jo
    Yes a hearty amen to balance. You do a great job with balancing all your creations. I'm finding the more I think about how my time organize my projects then balance is a bit easier to maintain. Not an easy task. That printers draw is a beauty even empty:)

  7. I love the printers trays too. I have a mess of them,,one thing to do is add a thick plastic top,,(I am forgetting the name at the moment)...anyhow it can be drilled and hinged...then you don't have to worry about the little things getting knocked all over the floor if it toppels,,and keeps out the dust, and you can stack something on top if you need... and the cat can't get to it if it ends up under the bed....been there..not fun...talk about mess. It is such fun to display,,I am glad you are having fun doing something different. Most of mine are on the wall with minis in the display.
    Your creations are fabulous!
    Have a fun week, I hear you are going to have some sun.

  8. ooooo...I can't wait to see what you fill the type tray with! 8D

  9. Oh my goodness, what a delightful crew.

  10. You said it, Jo!
    Oh my, I do love a printer's drawer! And I can't wait to see what you do with it and the new blanks. The new Kids On The Block are just de-lightful!

    Always a joy to visit you and the Mister here!
    Candace in Athens.

  11. I have been looking at the printer's drawer, we have a few of them in our consignments. Might be a great place to put those tiny little animals;)


  12. hehe! With me it's still mostly chaos!!! ...love to see the work in progress! quick! finish that PD! can't wait to see the result, 'looove miniature-anything!

  13. I love it, I want one of those drawers and what an adventure you are going to have, totally awesome fun. Don't forget to take shots as you progress.

    As for the dolls, I absolutley love the fish and the cat with orange clothes. They are really yummie.

    If they ever need a home you can throw them my way. ROFLOL

  14. WOW - I love all these little creatures! Amazing, amazing work! Happy Halloween!

  15. Please send some of that balance my way. It seems to have left me completely alone.


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