
Saturday's Table. . . All done!

On Saturday, two weeks worth of creations come together briefly
before last week's goodies fly away to their new homes.
They get to spend the next 24 hours frolicking, cavorting,
and causing their own unique brand of mayhem.

I don't want to give away too many details (you'll just have to go look at the auctions to see them all up close), but here's a little sneak peek at this latest batch all done-

They'll be up for auction tomorrow evening.
Then the next batch will start to come to life.

I won't get Dylan's input on this next batch,
as he'll be far far away looking at far far away colleges with our eldest.
While I love having him around to pester (I make the cutest of the creations fly around kissing him), his "input" usually consists of the following:

Me:   What color should I paint this?

Him:  Purple.

Me:   You always say purple.
I'll miss him anyway.

Don't be surprised if I ask you all what color to paint
something or other over the course of this coming week.
And, please, don't say purple.


  1. Oh my goodness. How precious are these characters. I cannot even imagine. You are absolutely remarkable. I so love to study the faces. They all tell a story. It is so amazing to see how you have brought them to life. Thank you for sharing. My gosh these are just outstanding. Love, love, love them. Country hugs sweetie, Sherry

  2. Boy, I was I was getting that Lot of goodies! LOL Always inspiring you are! have a great weekend.

  3. Oh...I just love your new witch...with the patchwork like skirt...she is lovely. :) I promise if you ask for a color this week I wont say purple. :)



  4. Wonderous as usual! :-) Deb

  5. So gorgeous that my eyes don't know where to look.

  6. They are all so wonderful! Thanks for sharing the process over the last few days.

    I'm going to have to say orange. But then I always say orange.

  7. You have been SO busy again! I feel so inadequate.....

    Maybe, I'll get motivated today- maybe not, who's to say!!

    Anyway- great load of work girl (and boy) always love to see what's on for the week.

  8. OMG , I can not believe I found such a treasure of wonder work when I linked around and found you this morning My head will be filled all day with images of your wonderful Work. Julie

  9. While Dylan is away you should do an entire table full of purply-wonderfulness! Then when he sees it you can say, "Do ya think I might have missed you?" (and then have all the cutest of the purple ones fly around an kiss him).

  10. Ask ME, ask ME! I'll ALWAYS say RED! Red, red, red! This newest group is dressed so very cute, and their expressions are priceless! I'd HAVE to call Devil Man 'DAPPER DEVIL' - 'cause he IS! Of course if he were PURPLE, I'd name him Dylan Devil! Bwahahahaha! Sorry. I'll be good or you will ban me from your wonderful blog. It's just that seeing your creations makes me sooooooo happy!

  11. Ahhh... Jo, you never cease to amaze! I enjoyed watching this weeks work come together. 8D


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