
The Last of The Menagerie

It seems my cyber quilt is complete.

I did want to add some more masked munchkins to the collection, but (as usual) time has run out faster than my ideas. The Mister (and his scroll saw abilities) is off gallivanting, so any more masks will have to wait for another season. Maybe somebody will want to dress up as a gingerbread man?
Anyway, this trio are this season's last.
If you want one to come live with you, better move quick.
They'll be gone by this evening.

Here                  Here                       Here

Speaking of going, going, gone. . .

Only 4 more days.

If you haven't entered yet, there's still time to throw your name in the hat.
(OK, so they're not exactly hats,
but they'll still do the trick.)

I'm honored by the amount of entries I've received.
And I've discovered so many wonderful new blogs too.
Thank you all for playing!


  1. What a wonderful feast for the eye... good luck in this and every other season...

    I am saving MY gingerbread man for Winterfest. Just sayin... lol.

    Take care.
    Candace in Athens.

  2. Know what the menagerie made me think of? CALENDAR! I would definitely buy a D&J Calendar featuring your amazing creations! Just thought I'd put that spark out there. :)

    Also...just wanted to say....

    Snicker. Tee Hee Hee! Smoops!

    Goofy Girl Hugz, Tamara

  3. Just here to say, you, your husband, and your daughter are crazy talented. I want your whole collection but I need to save my pennies for a while. Just in case you missed me, please enter me in your drawing.

  4. That should be made into a poster and then use the little creepies to make a cool calendar--that'd be so cool! Fantastic work!

  5. Oh, I'd SO vote for a calendar! Heck, I'd vote for ANYTHING you make. And I LOVE & COLLECT gingerbread 'peoples' - hee hee! I am trying hard not to spend lots right now after a year of extreme medical expenses - long story - no need to hear it - but I WOULD have to break down and purchase a ginger-person!Really, really!

  6. Wow! amazing body of work. Love them all. Hope it's not too late to count me in for the give away.


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