
Masks-- Real and Imagined

Three more little masked munchkins joined the menagerie this week.
They once again prove that looks can be deceiving.
For instance,
Kitty Kat, who is wearing a particularly wide cat-who-ate-the-canary grin, is actually a vegetarian.
Banjo, despite her uninvited musical accompaniment,
prefers Jazz to Bluegrass.
And Bonita actually has a very healthy appetite. Masks fool people.
And we all wear them, literally or figuratively.

(I prefer the literal ones, don't you.)


  1. I LOVE masks! And your masked characters are MARVELOUS, Jo! The banjo player cracked me up! Like you, I generally prefer literal masks. But sometimes it's good to mask things - like perpetual pain - even from ourselves. A mask keeps us pretending we feel good and sometimes we get so 'into' the character, we believe it. THAT kind of mask I don't mind. Thank you for always creating wonderful things and for making me think, smile, and ENJOY!

  2. Anonymous9/07/2009

    They are so pretty, great!!

  3. Спасибо, Получаю большое наслаждение от твоего творчества. Приятно, что это занятие - семейный бизнес. Удачи!

  4. Never been good at 'em myself. The figurative ones, I mean. More a heart on her sleeve kind of girl. Very signed up to your literal ones though

  5. Well Jo..I may have to embark on a life of crime so that I can buy....hmmm...everything you make!! LOL!! Love these pieces and all of your work!! So glad I found your blog! Inspires me every time!!

  6. OMG! Absolutely wonderful, as always! You are so inspiring to me! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!

  7. I'm so happy to have arrived on your blog through another new blog friend. I am Jacqueline from Once Upon a Fairyland...it's all about play, gnomes, and my childhood home. I would like to enter your give away and get to know you more...You've definitly captured my interest with your art...LOVE IT!

  8. Love those kitty cats!!!!

  9. Jo I just love the new goodies... your Halloween stuff is fantastic!!!

  10. Anonymous9/15/2009


    *grumble grumble*

    Too bad all my money is going to school! Grrrrr!


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