
Repentance and a Guitar-Playing Goat

Circo Blanco has denounced their wicked ways, and has indeed become a service organization. (The deportation of their brave leader to Australia might have served as some sort of motivation.) Their first mission of mercy was to help me clean my studio, but I'm afraid there were casualties. I can't talk about it yet, the horror is still too fresh in my mind.
Anyway, it has been an achromatic week around The ole Cart.
I've been taking a break from making any color choices by NOT choosing any.
Here's a During picture of the reformed trouble makers:

And another, post-negotiations:

And finally, with much ado, here are the remaining members of Circo Blanco looking (rather-deceivingly) innocent for their group portrait. All I can say at this point is-- no matter how good of an idea giving a guitar to goat seems to be at the time, resist the urge!


  1. Great post and what gorgeous characters they all are!

    Micki x

  2. I will definitely take the guitar suggestion under advisement. I hope that with time the "horror" will fade and you will see the members of Circo Blanco as I do...curious and beautiful! (What a fantastic job you did! YAY)

  3. OMG! Deported to Australia? I'd better keep an eye out for him, lest I end up on the receiving end of his wicked ways!

    Great pieces.

  4. Jo...I love them. Even the Goat with guitar. As always yall Rock..Ha Ha Pun get it....Guitar Rock it...Ok going back to work.

    Sonia ;)

  5. Hi Jo,
    Oh how I love the goat and all the Circo Blanco characters. I'm having a romance with a subdued palette myself.
    My husband and I are camping in Cannon Beach, and today enjoyed Manzanita and Nehalem. Gosh, what a beautiful place you live in.
    Love, love the new work, you guys just continue to amaze me. Oh, I love the moon too. Gosh, love it.

  6. Jo they turned out lovely, despite all the huligan behavior that went on before. Sometimes less is more, and that is the case here. They are lovely.

  7. I love a guitar playing goat!! Its got a great ring to it! They look fantastic! Man you are always soooo busy. I don't know how you sleep, with all those ideas floating around in your head.

  8. Jo, the Circo Blanco is an awesome group. I love reading your post. The goat is spectacular hands down. I to have been working into more muted colors, lots of fun and a challenge.

  9. I love them all... the goat does look good with a guitar... I know I'm not resisting am I.... LOL. :)

  10. I just love visiting your blog, hehe...

    Amazing creations, each and every one!

    ~ Carolee

  11. Great color! I love them all!


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