
Happy July!

July is here, and with it SUN, sun, sunny sun! That was a very BAD thing when we lived in Florida, but now that we're tucked away in the beautiful temperate rain forest of the Pacific Northwest it's GOOD.
So WHY, you ask, have I been up to such rainy creativities? I just don't know.
Maybe it's because rain is so much more romantic once your feet are dry.

Or maybe is has something to do with rainbows.


On another note-- the rebellion has been quieted for the time being, once all Generalissima Meg's demands were met. The list was too long to go into here, but many many peanut butter sandwiches had to be made (with GRAPE, not STRAWBERRY jelly, thank you very much), beds were bounced on, and there was a matter of some sort of kite/hang-gliding experience. The negotiations were intense. Promises were made, tears were shed, limbs were unattached. I've promised to reattach limbs and maybe even paint on some mouths only when/if I've been allowed a bit of sleep.


  1. Love, love this piece. Happy 4th of July!

  2. the selection of the proper jelly is very important...especially when you wear white!

  3. Oh I just love coming her and visiting you and your little creations. They are just so darn precious! Happy 4th of July!

  4. Love the Weathermen and Women..this week....back in the 60's that statement would have landed me in jail........but the forecast for your not so fair weather friends is good............very good in fact. Happy Happy Country Birthday!

  5. Your 'weather people' are so fabulous! Glad things have settled down on the
    "war' front!

    Happy July 4th to you!


  6. LOVE cloudy and rainy. I wish she had been with me during the last week of rain rain rain.

    I mentioned you and your creative family on my blog. I hope you don't mind.

  7. oh I love your weather-people!!! ...You know it reminds me of a wonderful french fairy tale of a princess who hides under a donkey skin growing up, (...wait!) her father ask to mary his own duaghter so to escape such fate the princess asks her father dresses for her dowry that are impossible to make, the last one is a dress of the colour of the weather. But he manages to make her one, so she runs away and hide her self under a donkey skin...


Thanks for stopping by!