
Be Here Now (or Later)

I'm catching up to myself! On Monday I was doing Saturday's stuff. So naturally, Tuesday was Sunday. I'm trying to fit Monday in here too, so that by Wednesday I'll only be a day behind. Oh wait, it is Wednesday! crap. By this time next January I should have it all worked out.
This week's goods were a little late in coming to market,
but they made it all the same.
Aside from some time wonkiness due to baseball, Bar-B-Q, and my baby brother's birthday this has been another bountiful week.
I found these glorious bamboo coasters that just begged for tiny portraits-
Naturally, I had to oblige.
There are more where those came from, albeit in a bit more naked state.
And what week could be truly successful
without a bit of genetic engineering?
This little owl guy is my very favorite though, I must admit.

I want to make one in every color!


I'd better get back to it if I ever stand a chance at catching up with the future. Or the present. The past? sigh.

I'll think I'll just give up and be here now.


  1. Ella the elephant bird is just too much fun. I love her rosy cheeks. Glad you were able to take some time for yourself the last few days. So fun to see the newest batch of work. Hope you guys have a great rest of the week.

  2. looks like you have had a very productive week! I love how you use all those buttons.

  3. Oh my word how I love the skeleton guy on the coaster!
    He's fantastic!!

    Micki x

  4. Ah! Another convert to Owl-Love! Goodness knows I can't make enough of them...LOL! Isn't funny how somethings just call out to be painted? Too funny...Have fun!

  5. I really like them all! Your creations are so much fun. I must come back by...

  6. now that I know I'm not the only one confused.... I'm feeling much better about myself... and I'm loving the coaster mini portraits... what day is it really?

  7. OK. Enough already. Your stuff is fab. Have I missed something obvious or must I purchase via Ebay?

  8. This week's favorite is the owl! Love it!


Thanks for stopping by!