
Baseball and Birdy Feet

It's official, no more baseball games for us this Summer. The last couple of days have been spent at the ballpark watching the youngest member of The Cart play ball (and sit on the bench a whole lot to be perfectly honest) at the end-of-season tournament. Our little ragamuffin team held their own for a while there, but alas, no pennants were won, and disappointment prevailed. The blueness was short lived though, as disappointment and baseball go hand-in-hand. Soon enough, submarine sandwiches were eaten and the the sun shone brightly once again.

It's a lovely way to spend the day, but work was neglected. We DID get our patterns back from the printer's though (yippee!). And a new batch of rather sullen creations (they pout when I don't pay enough attention to them) impatiently awaits their finishing touches.

In the meantime, I managed to indulge some of my overwhelming silliness by putting virtual birdy feet on virtual beasties.

Have you managed to do something silly today?


  1. A great idea! Why not do it for real.

  2. SILLY is my middle name :)!!! Every day is full of silliness around here.
    I love those crazy birdie feet...especially on the cat!
    Hooray for quirky cleverness!!

  3. Lovin' the bird feet! The remind me of my sister. Don't ask. :)

  4. I have done nothing silly yet. Gosh, bedtime is coming soon. What to do? What to do? I've been too grumpy today to feel silly. What a waste of a day. Perhaps I can make up this silly shortage tomorrow?

    Come to think of it, I have bird legs already. That's pretty silly. I'll just go put on some shorts and we can all have a laugh.

  5. I love putting bird's feet on dolls...and bird heads on people bodies!

  6. No, but thanks for suggesting it. I think I'll try several things... just to get it right. You did such a good job with the feet..er... love the legs by the way...


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